Key Concept 12: Models & Theories of Change

12.1 Candidates will be able to apply models of change to understand the current situation of technology innovation in a school.

As preparation work for my Internship, I performed an analysis of my school's readiness and willingness to make changes to our technology usage as a part of my Technology Planning Paper. My original analysis included Roger's Perceived Attributes, Ely's 8 Conditions of Change, and looking at the 5 stages of the ACOT model. While this analysis was performed over the summer before my Internship was even set to begin, I had no change in my administrative leadership after the analysis was complete, and two thirds of my grade level teaching cohort remained the same. I took the fall to get to know the few new members of the grade level team, but their relative newness to the school community and teaching made them fairly willing partners in my Internship project idea. These new teachers introduced no new barriers to implementing an increase in technology usage in our grade level and for the most part were a direct replacement at the Adoption or Adaptation stage of ACOT for the prior teachers in my original analysis. The largest barriers to any implementation of technology at my school continues to be structural issues around scheduling access to the resources we do have, coordinating initiatives around the ever expanding online testing regime our school district, and the time required to train staff beyond the simple how to use a platform stage.

Technology Planning Paper
Baskin Internship Proposal