Oblate Associates

Oblate Associates

Oblate Associates—are lay men and women, religious and ordained who live their vocation with a special bond with the Oblate Congregation and the charism of St. Eugene.  The Associate Program is spiritual; a sharing in Christ’s mission by living in the midst of the world and addressing problems and concerns with the message of the Good News.  

The role of Oblate Associates is clearly recognized by the Oblates in their Constitutions and Rules, R37a:  The charism of Saint Eugene de Mazenod is a gift of the Spirit to the Church, and it radiates throughout the world.  Lay people recognize that they are called to share in the charism according to their state of life, and to live it in ways that vary according to milieu and cultures… in a spirit of communion and reciprocity amongst themselves and with the Oblates. 

 Oblate Associates strive to live the charism of St. Eugene in the different aspects of their daily lives—family, work, school, business and politics.  Community is at the heart of Oblate Association.  They gather regularly to share their lives of faith,  

--encourage one another to be of service to and enriched by the poor,  

--to study the charism and Oblate Spirituality and 

-- to be open to a personal conversion that is at the heart of  

--in union with Mary Immaculate, Associates are called “to receive Christ in
order  to share him with all the world, whose hope he is.” 

--they make an annual day of reflection. 

After completing the Initial Associate Formation Program ,Associates may choose to make a formal, public commitment.  There are no legal or canonical obligations.  There are no dues or financial requirements. 

 To provide organization, direction, guidance and resources to Oblate Associates, the Province has established an Office for Oblate Associates with a lay national director that works in collaboration with the Provincial and a National Committee for Oblate Associates.  

R 7f states:  We shall support lay people in the discernment and development of their own talents and charisms, encouraging them to undertake ministries and apostolic commitments and thus to shoulder the responsibilities which are properly  theirs in the Christian community. 

Oblate Associates are called to build community among themselves and with vowed Oblates.  Gatherings include a time for prayer, faith sharing, input for growth in spirituality and the charism, and hospitality.  Missionary Oblates share their presence with the Associates while encouraging them to share the leadership and animation of the community. The shared leadership provides continuity for the group.   

Where in the U.S.A. are the
Oblate Associates?