Mazenodian Family Newsletter

July 8, 2024

“In the prolonged silent prayer we make each day, we let ourselves be molded by the Lord, and find in him the inspiration of our conduct” (OMI Rule of Life, 33).

The practice of Oraison was an important part of St. Eugene’s daily prayer during which he entered into communion with the members of his missionary family.

While they were all in France it was easy for them to gather in prayer at approximately the same time. When Oblate missionaries started to be sent to different continents it was no longer possible to pray at the same time, yet each day there was a time when they stopped and prayed in union with one another – even though not at the same time.

This is a practice that Eugene wanted the members of his religious family to maintain.

Just choose a time on the third Sunday of every month for personal prayer wherever you like, and consciously unite yourself with all the members of the Mazenodian Family in praying for one another.

The choice of length and content of the prayer is for each one to decide.

New Oblate Associate Committee formed

As an aid to the National Office for Oblate Associates a committee was  formed to inform the National Director of the spiritual needs of the Oblate Associates in the U.S. and to collaborate closely with the Lay Coordination team in Rome under the direction of Mr. Stefano Dominici.These are the members of the new committee:

Michele Divito(Buffalo, NY

Eric Keitz( Buffalo, NY)

Linda Caragnan ( Chula Vista, Ca

Erika Ramos &Ulises Cabello (Tijuana, BC, Mexico)

Becky & JesseRocha ( San Antonio, TX


Click the image above for July's Reflection

The Mazenodian Family in Action

Oblate associates in Buffalo, NY partner with St. Luke's Mission of Mercy to serve the poor and most abandoned

Oblate Associates in Buffalo, NY continue to minister to the poor and most abandoned through their partnership with St. Luke's Mission of Mercy, a community of lay missionaries their associates and benefactors serving the poor of East Buffalo. From its founding in 1994, there has been a very close association between the Missionary Oblates and St. Luke's Mission. The Oblate Associates, recognize this close relationship and chose to express their missionary discipleship by volunteering in preparing meals for the hungry at St. Luke's as well as helping to sort clothing and other donations for the Mission Mall where people can come in and "shop" for the clothes they like and those that will fit them. It is all free, however, the "shopping" experience grants them a sense of dignity.By partnering with St. Luke's the Oblate Associates certainly live the words of St. Eugene in the Preface to the Rule:"We must spare no effort to extend the Savior’s empire ( Leave nothing undared for the Kingdom). We must lead people to act like human beings, first of all, and then like Christians, and, finally, we must help them to become saints,."Furthermore, it is a great witness to synodality through their collaborative missionary efforts with other organizations in the Church

The Diocese of Buffalo is currently experiencing some issues similar to those faced by the Diocese of Marseilles in Post-revolutionary France. The Oblate Associates respond daily through their commitment to the Mazenodian charism and presence to a spiritual poverty and proclaiming the hope which only JesusChrist can fully bring. These are the poor with their many faces (C. 5); we give For more information on St. Luke's Mission of Mercy visit:

Meet our Youngest Oblate Associate

Alexander Keitz is 12 years old now, but when he was 4 years old he asked Fr David Muñoz, OMI, parochial vicar at the time, if he could receive the Oblate Associate Cross together with his father, Eric whowas preparing to make his first commitment as an Oblate Associate Recently , Alex stated that the Oblate cross he received means a lot to him because it reminds him  of where his  faith journey began,It helps him relate to Bob Chambers, HOMI who was a great influence to him on this faith journey, is is also a reminder of the last May crowning in which he participated at Holy Angels The cross also helps him to relate to his father, his Godmother, Michele Divito, the local coordinator of the Buffalo Oblate Associates snd to Fr. David

He considers it an honor to have a cross of his own as an expression of his mission as an Oblate Associate Church. Alex  grew up in a community influenced by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and the charism of St. Eugene, Holy Angels in Buffalo, NY. )founded by the Oblates in 1852 He was baptized at Holy Angels and catechized  by many in the parish who lived the Oblate charism, especially his Godmother, Michele Divito who is the coordinator of the Buffalo Oblate Associates and Mr. Bob Chambers, an Honorary Oblate of Mary Immaculate Alex 's father, Eric Keitz is also an Oblate Associate and serves on the National Committee for Oblate Associates Alex continues to wear his Oblate Cross with pride every Sunday. In his spare time, Alex plays centerfield in Baseball Although the Oblates in the U.S. had to make the difficult decision to close Holy Angels Church, the Oblate Associates have remained a strong force that continue to live the charism of St. Eugene and serve the many faces of the poor. Alex is proof that the charism of St. Eugene touches every heart, no matter the age. Let us pray to Christ, the Savior for more people to respond as Alex did  and we pray for perseverance for the many Oblate Associates and others in the Mazenodian Family


On August 15th, the Mazenodian Family commemorates the Anniversary of St. Eugene's experience before the Oblate Madonna in 1822. This year, during the novena leading to the Solemity of the Assumption August 6-15, join Fr. David Muñoz-López, OMI, director of the Mazenodian Family Office of Activities and Planning

A video reflection will be posted each day of the NovenaThis year, Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year with the theme "Pilgrims of Hope, the theme the Mazenodian Family will follow as well

The retreat will focus on various Marian prayers from our tradition and how they point us to the Virgin Mary as a model and missionary of Hope.

Sign up below to receive the reflection daily in your e-mail beginning August 6, 2024

Alex after receiving his Oblate cross, sign of an Oblate Associate's commitment

Alex Keitz with his father, Oblate Associate Eric Keitz

Alex with Buffalo Oblate Associate Coordinator, Michele Divito

Alex gives an autographed baseball to Mazenodian Family Director, Fr. David Muñoz, OMI

Oblate Associates at the Brownsville, TX Cathedral continue to reflect and be inspired by the Charism of St. Eugene

Although the Missionary Oblates decide to return the administration of the Immaculate Conception  Cathedralto the Diocese of Brownsville, some of the lay men and women sought to maintain the charism of St. Eugene in an area heavily influenced by the evangelization efforts of the Oblates since1849 Brownsville, TX was one of the first places the Missionary Oblates went in the United States. Fr. Nicholas Harding, OMI accompanies the Oblate Associates as they continue to study the charism and be inspired by it.