
My papers, loosely organized by topic, are below. You can also find them on the arXiv, where I try to keep things up to date. I've been lucky to work with great collaborators, including: Matthew Badger, Simon Bortz, Otis Chodosh, Guy David, Guido De Philippis, Nick Edelen, Xavier Fernández-Real, Max Goering, Cole Jeznach, Aapo Kauranen, Svitlana Mayboroda, Dana Mendelson, Robin Neumayer, Martí Prats, Georgios Sakellaris, Yannick Sire, Mariana Smit Vega Garcia, Luca Spolaor, Tatiana Toro, Bozhidar Velichkov, Hui Yu, Zihui Zhao.

Harmonic Measure and Analysis on Rough Sets

Variational Free Boundary Problems

Misc Geometric PDE

Pre-Graduate School Publications

Support: Currently supported by the NSF DMS CAREER 2143719. I was previously supported by an NSF Standard Grant (DMS 2000288), an NSF Postdoc (DMS-1703306), an NSF GRFP and a DoD NDSEG fellowship.