Max Engelstein's Homepage

I am an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (since August 2019). I am broadly (mathematically) interested in analysis and PDE but have mostly worked on questions at the intersection of harmonic analysis, the calculus of variations and geometric measure theory.  

Before coming to Minnesota I was a CLE Moore Instructor and NSF Postdoc at MIT, where my sponsoring scientist was David Jerison. Before that, I did my PhD at the University of Chicago, under the supervision of Carlos Kenig. I've also done long stints at MSRI (as the Huneke Postdoc in the Harmonic Analysis Program, mentored by Svitlana Mayboroda) and in Seattle (visiting Tatiana Toro during my PhD). 

You can find a relatively up to date copy of my CV here (last updated August 2023).

If you want to contact me, email is best: Otherwise you can send mail to the UMN math department care of "Max Engelstein"

I am currently supported by the NSF and am an affiliate scientist with the Simons Wave Localization collaboration. Of course, all the views expressed on this page are mine alone and do not represent those of the NSF, the Simons Foundation or the University of Minnesota.