Application Materials

When applying to jobs or grants I found it really useful to read many examples of other people's materials. To that end, some of mine available below (USER BEWARE: it is possible that the requirements for whatever I was applying for have changed in the intervening years.)

NSF Postdoc Fall 2016:

Here are some materials from my successful NSF postdoc application in the Fall of 2016 (to work with David Jerison at MIT). I also applied unsuccessfully for the NSF postdoc in the Fall of 2015 with very similar materials.

Tenure Track Job Market, Fall 2018:

Here are some of my materials from my tenure track job search starting in the Fall of 2018:

Other Materials by Request:

I was lucky enough to win an NSF standard grant (applied in the Fall of 2019) and an NSF CAREER grant (applied in the Summer of 2021). I am too shy to share these on my website currently but if you are applying and want to see my materials please ask (even if you don't know me!)