
Teaching at UMN:

In Fall 2023 I am teaching Graduate Real Analysis (8601). Course notes will appear here closer to the start of the semester. 

Seminars at UMN:

In 2023-2024 I am organizing the PDE seminar at UMN. We meet (most) Wednesdays at 3:35 in Vincent Hall 570. If you are interested in attending, please send one of us an email and we will make sure you are on the mailing list. 

You can see the department seminar calendar here

Riviere-Fabes Symposium:

In 2023 I was the co-chair (along with Vladimir Sverak) of the 2023 Riviere-Fabes symposium organizing committee. The symposium was held at the University of Minnesota from April 28-30. For more information please see here

The University of Minnesota PDE group plans on hosting the Riviere-Fabes symposium again in 2024. More details to follow.

"Nonlinear dispersive and wave equations"

I am co-organizing, with Zihua Guo and Gigliola Staffilani, a conference in honor of Carlos Kenig's 70th birthday, December 2023, in Melbourne Australia. More details can be found at the conference webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/dispersive-pde?authuser=0