
Graduate Students:

I am excited to work with graduate students at UMN interested in analysis or PDE. Currently, I have funding both for summer and semester-long RA-ships. If you are interested in learning more about my research areas, you could read these expository articles: 1) Tatiana Toro on Harmonic Measure and GMT 2) Luca Spolaor on Monotonicity formulas in the Calculus of Variations  

I have supervised two graduate students:

If you are currently not a student at Minnesota but are interested in working with me: our graduate students are hired at the department level (apply here)

Undergraduate Students

I am happy to supervise independent reading projects, UROPs, URS, senior capstone projects and senior honors thesis. If you are interested in doing a project on analysis or PDE please feel free to reach out to me. Two caveats: (1) I am much less likely to respond to requests which have clearly been sent to the entire faculty. (2) If you are not a student at UMN, I cannot mentor you. 

In the summer of 2021, I led the MathILy-EST REU in researching discrete free boundary problems. We are currently writing up our results! If you are a first or second year undergraduate and thinking about summer research, I cannot recommend the MathILy-EST REU enough. More information here


I am really proud to be the faculty advisor for MPM (the Mathematics Project at Minnesota). This is a program designed to increase the participation and sucess of underrepresented groups in mathematics. It is organized by some of our amazing graduate students at UMN and mostly consists of a week long workshop before the semester starts in January. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out!

High School Students

If somehow you have found this page as a mathematically inclined high school student (or if you know a mathematically inclined high school student), I recommend MathILy(-ER). These are summer math enrichment programs for interested high school students. The emphasize is on discovery based learning and having fun. I've taught at MathILy on and off since its inception.