MAVR in the Metaverse Forum

The first MAVR in the Metaverse online forum recently unfolded in the boundless sphere of the metaverse through the innovative FrameVR platform. This event assembled a panel of Mixed Augmented Virtual Reality (MAVR) Special Interest Group (SIG) members, including Mehrasa Alizadeh, Sophia Deterala, Blancaflor Arada, and Roberto Figueroa Jr. 

Fostering a Global MAVR Community 

This event facilitated an exceptional opportunity to gather MAVR enthusiasts in a single 3D platform. It helped introduce new members of the SIG to the community and its platforms. We enthusiastically anticipate that this will be the first of many such engaging and enlightening events. 

Exploring the Metaverse through MAVR 

Participants, joining from their physical locations in Japan and the Philippines, explored the three-dimensional virtual space of FrameVR. The forum served as an exciting platform for engaging discussions around their respective interests and research endeavors in the field of immersive learning. It also offered Mehrasa and Roberto a unique opportunity to present their research findings, while simultaneously getting acquainted with Sophia and Blanca, the newest additions to the SIG. 

Highlighting MAVR Research 

Mehrasa's presentation revolved around a scoping review article she co-authored with Neil Cowie, titled "Language Learning and Virtual Reality: A Scoping Review". The article is available for access at: Roberto's presentation was focused on his joint article with Florinda Palma Gil and Hiroshi Taniguchi, "Piloting Virtual Reality Photo-Based Tours among Students of a Filipino Language Class: A Case of Emergency Remote Teaching in Japan". The article can be accessed at:

Piloting Virtual Reality Photo-Based Tours among Students of a Filipino Language Class A Case of Emergency Remote Teaching in Japan.mp4

Event Recording and Presentations 

Unfortunately, the video recording of the entire event did not capture the audio of the other participants. However, for your convenience, the videos of the two presentations have been included in this recap.

Written by Roberto B. Figueroa Jr.

During the preparation of this work the author used Reword in order to  improve the quality of the article. After using this tool, the author reviewed and edited the content as needed and takes full responsibility for the content of the publication.