Report on the State of MAVR: Progress and Prospects (2017 - Beyond)

Date: May 16, 2018

Prepared by: Eric Hawkinson

1. Introduction

In 2017, the Mixed Augmented and Virtual Realities in Learning Research Group (MAVR) was established as a part of the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT). This report aims to provide an overview of MAVR's development, achievements, and future objectives.

2. Formation and Initial Growth (2017)

3. Organizational Milestones

4. Engagement, Outreach, and Academic Contributions

5. Financial Management and Sponsorships

6. Future Directions and Goals

7. Conclusion

The Mixed Augmented and Virtual Realities in Learning Research Group (MAVR) has made significant strides since its inception in 2017. With a growing membership, expanding academic contributions, and a clear vision for the future, MAVR is well-positioned to continue its trajectory as a leader in the field of educational technology and research.