About MAVR

We are a diverse group of researchers who are passionate about exploring and furthering research related to augmenting learning processes with emerging technology. 

We respect and celebrate our diversity, in fact we see it as one of our biggest strengths. We believe everyone deserves a safe, respectful, inclusive, and aggression-free environment. But creating such an environment takes effort and an awareness of self and others. So while we expect differences in opinion and points of view, especially with regard to our research, we strive to have a community of critical yet respectful voices. In conducting research in technologies that will likely have high impact in shaping how we perceive the world and interact with others, we feel we must continually strive to a high level of mindfulness of how we interact with each other. 

As part of JALT, we value and follow the JALT Code of Conduct which can be found here (Japanese translation is available here), and we expect our members to be aware of it.


MAVR team  

Call for MAVR Journal Article Submissions 

Are you looking for a space to publish your concept papers, practice-based reports, and work-in-progress papers? The all-new JALT MAVR Journal invites you to submit!  Submit through this form: https://forms.gle/hvGDygQf2Qmc3LUPA

The JALT-MAVR Journal is an open-publishing journal focusing on articles related to language teaching and immersive learning. It is dedicated to providing a platform for the MAVR community for disseminating research, conceptual, perspective, and practice-based articles in the field of language education and immersive learning.  In this regard, aside from peer-reviewed research paper articles, the journal is accepting:

The journal is open to submissions from a wide range of authors, including educators, researchers, and students, and it aims to publish research that is relevant and meaningful to the language education community.  

The JALT-MAVR Journal is published by the Mixed, Augmeneted, and Virtual Realities (MAVR) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) free of charge.  

It is facilitated by open peer-review and publishes articles using the continuous publication model. In this type of publication approach, articles are made available online after they have completed the peer review process and been accepted for publication. Instead of being grouped into specific issues, articles are published on an ongoing basis and are typically organized by topic or subject area. This type of publication approach allows for more flexibility and timeliness in the dissemination of research, as articles can be published and made available to readers as soon as they are ready, rather than waiting until a specific issue is compiled. Open access and continuous publication models are becoming increasingly popular as they allow for greater accessibility and reach of research and scholarly work.  

All papers should be 1000-3000 words in length and written in accessible language.

Submission guidelines can be found here.

In addition to traditional research, we invite other forms of contributions too!

Call for Submissions: Member Showcase for the MAVR Newsletter


We’re seeking information about current MAVR members for a short member-showcase piece in the next MAVR Newsletter. This section of the newsletter will highlight the work, research interests, and/or experiences of our members.

If you’re interested in being featured, please fill out this short Google form: https://forms.gle/3bCStZWDPhMeBYV99

In addition to member showcase piece form, if you have any other contributions you would like to make to the newsletter, such as calls for research, device reviews, application reviews, opinion pieces, or other miscellany, please contact us.


Lexter Mangubat

Faculty of Education, University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines 

Immersive Metaversal Quests: Creating a Gamified Digital Library in the Metaverse

This paper presents a descriptive research study focused on the development of Metaversal Quest, an immersive and gamified educational tool. The study evaluated the student perceptions regarding its efficacy in teaching and learning activities. The study, conducted within a class of 30 undergraduate students enrolled in a Game-based learning course in an open and distance e-learning institution, also explores the engagement levels of participants in Metaversal Quest-based activities. Of the total cohort, 16 students agreed to participate in the study. Preliminary findings indicate a notable level of engagement among participants, with 66.7% expressing agreement with incorporating metaverse in online and distance learning. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was employed to assess students' acceptance of the approach, revealing a favorable reception towards the innovation. While encountering challenges such as technical constraints and limited sample size, the study provides valuable insights into the potential of immersive and gamified learning experiences in online education. Further research is recommended to address limitations and expand understanding in this emerging field.

Keywords: Educational metaverse, gamification, gamified metaverse,  metaverse, immersive learning,

Mehrasa Alizadeh

Otemon Gakuin University

The Role of Virtual Reality in Language Acquisition: A Comparative Analysis of Small Talk Learning Outcomes via Zoom and Frame

Eric Hawkinson

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

Immersive Learning in Action: Designing Mixed Reality Enhanced Learning Spaces and Programs

This presentation introduces 'The Future Hub' at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, a pioneering laboratory designed to integrate immersive technology into educational settings. Immersive technology, encompassing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), offers a transformative approach to learning by creating interactive, engaging, and realistic environments for students. This technology enables learners to explore complex concepts and distant locations in a vivid, hands-on manner, significantly enhancing the educational experience. Despite its potential, incorporating immersive technology into learning presents challenges such as technical infrastructure, curriculum integration, and ensuring pedagogical effectiveness. 'The Future Hub' was designed with these challenges in mind, aiming to create an optimal balance between technological innovation and educational value. The lab serves as a testbed for implementing and refining MR-enhanced learning experiences across various disciplines. 

Examples will be discussed from initiatives of the first year of use of the 'The Future Hub', such as the VR-based UN simulation for international relations studies, AR-enhanced language learning games, and virtual global tourism projects. These examples illustrate how immersive technology can be effectively integrated into different learning programs, making education more engaging and relevant. The presentation will also discuss strategies for overcoming common hurdles in adopting immersive technology, such as ensuring accessibility, aligning with curriculum goals, and training educators to effectively use these tools. By sharing insights and lessons learned from 'The Future Hub', the session aims to guide educators and institutions in harnessing the power of immersive technology to enrich learning experiences and prepare students for a digitally advanced future.

MAVR in the Metaverse

Invitation to 'MAVR in the Metaverse' April 2024 Edition

Event: MAVR in the Metaverse - April 2024 Edition

Date: April 27th

Time: 7PM Japan Time

Location: MAVR Metaverse (Accessible via PC, Smartphone, or VR headset)

Join us in the MAVR Metaverse informal research sharing sessions:

The MAVR Metaverse is a persistent virtual space that offers an immersive experience for discussions on virtual reality in education. Whether you are joining us with a PC, smartphone, or VR headset, you will find a space conducive to learning and interaction.

This event is an excellent opportunity for educators, students, and VR enthusiasts to gain valuable insights into the latest trends and research in virtual reality and its applications in education.

We look forward to welcoming you to an insightful and engaging session in the MAVR Metaverse.