
Department of Medical Information Engineering,

Research Promotion Unit of the Faculty of Medical Sciences

Fujita Health University

Direction of Mats-lab.

・ Study of malfunctions in cardiac implantable electronic devices caused by medical radiation

・ Medical physics particularly based on nuclear physics.

It is an open question whether a cancer patient with an implanted pacemaker should avoid radiation therapy. Another question is whether a glucose-meter of a diabetic should be removed every CT scanning. Although safety is an important priority, it sometimes disturbs appropriate medical treatment. We study a borderline between safety and failure of medical devices if diagnostic and therapeutic radiations are irradiated, for smooth medical treatment without risk and inconvenience. We also study soft error caused by neutrons because this is one of malfunctions occurred in an implanted pacemaker. (Hiroaki Matsubara) 

Hiroaki Matsubara



2010, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Ph.D. Thesis: Isoscalar and isovector spin-M1 transitions from the even-even, N=Z nuclei across the sd-shell region 

2004, Department of Physics, School of Science, Osaka University


2022--Present: Fujita Health University as associate professor (School of Medical Sciences)

2021--2022: Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine as lectrure (Department of Radiology)

2015--2021: Tokyo Women's Medical University as Assistant professor (Department of Radiation Oncology)

2013--2015: National Institute of Radiological Sciences as Post-doctor 

2012--2013: RIKEN Nishina Center as Special Postdoctoral Researcher (Uesaka spin-isospin laboratory)

2010--2012: University of Tokyo as Post-doctor (Center for Nuclear Study)


Anyone is welcomed if you have an interest to my labolatory!!

Please contact me via email: hiroaki.matsubara [[at]]

Recent activity   is here.

Research Thema

Malfuction of CIEDs

CIEDs (Cardiac Implantable Electric Decides) are often irradiated in radiation therapy for treatment of cancer. We study the risk and the safety of CIEDs in radiation therapy by decomposing the causes into neutrons, dose rate, and cumulative photon dose.

Monte Carlo calculation and soft error

Neutrons can cause "soft error" to devices. Soft error is a problem in software, where the device normally works after restarting.  We study freaquency of soft errors during the course of radiationtherapy by using a Monte Carlo caclulation, because the freaquency is proportional to neutron dose. 

We have found that the risk due to soft error by a 6-MV beam is 1/70 times than that by a 10-MV beam although biological effect due to neutrons is negligible. (Here

Malfuction of glucose meter

Radiation failure of a glucose meter of a diabetic is another interest. If a patient does not have to take it off every CT scanning,  convenience can be obtained with saving his/her money. 

Assessment of skin erythema

Skin color in digital image can be decomposed into hemoglobin and melanin by using an independent component analysis. We demonstrated the feasibility of assessment of skin erythema caused by radiationtherapy (Here). We further improve this method to have robustness and precision. 

Micro dosimeter spetialized for carbon-ion therapy

We try to develop a small micro dosimeter spetialized for the use in carbon-ion therapy.

Research Thema (Completed in medical physics)

Carbon-ion therapy for breast cancer

The dose distribution of passive and scanning irradiation for carbon-ion radiotherapy for breast cancer was compared. No significant difference in priority in terms of dose distribution was reported. (Here)

Research Thema (Completed in nuclear physics)

Spin-M1 excitations in nuclei

Spin-M1 nuclear excitaions in the sd-shell nuclei  were measured by high energy-resolution technique using the GrandRaiden specrometer at the RCNP, Osaka university. We systematically observed a spin-alignment between protons and neutrons, where the alignment was reproduced only by a state-of-the-art calculation. The main result was  published at Physical Review Letters (Impact fact.=9.2).

This project was planned, proposed and performed by Matsubara for his PhD-thesis (Approved as E-299 by the RCNP). In addition to the main result,  pieces of the PhD-thesis were published as analysis papar, preparation of elemental sulfur target, and construction of gas target system

New spectroscopic tool: Double charge exchange reaction (DCX)

The feasibility experiment of a new spctroscopic tool of double charge exchange reaction (DCX) was demonstrated at the RCNP using the GrandRaiden spectrometer. This method employes a stable nuclear target with a stable nucleus beam to study unstable nucleus such as heliumu-9 (2 protons + 7 neutrons). Because this is powerfull to study unstable nuclei, the result was published as a proceeding of an international conference.

This study was completed during a postdoctor before changing my research field from nuclear physics to medical physics.

1-98 Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho,Toyoake, Aichi 470-1192, JAPAN 

 hiroaki.matsubara [[at]]