Technology For English

Why We Use Technology:

An English class is largely centered around effective communication; as such, in this class, various uses of technology will help students become more effective and modern communicators. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) emphasizes technology integration in the classroom in order to teach literacies, rather than just literacy: "Literacy is more than reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing as traditionally defined. It is more useful to think of literacies, which are social practices that transcend individual modes of communication" ("Beliefs for Integrating Technology into the English Language Arts Classroom"). As such, students in my English classes will create and publish writing through technology, create multimedia products (videos, infographics, advertisements, etc.) for communicating information, research, and analyze other creators' modes of communication through technology (articles, blogs, TED talks, YouTube videos, etc.). My classroom incorporates Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in an attempt to reach and motivate students by presenting them with a variety of options to learn and demonstrate learning. Using a variety of technological tools, websites, and apps will help students have multiple vehicles for engagement, representation, and expression. Finally, we use technology in this classroom because it improves learning. Research from Stanford University shows that "technology - when implemented properly - can produce significant gains in student achievement and boost engagement, particularly among students most at risk" ("Technology Can Close Achievement Gaps, Improve Learning").

Useful Websites

Physical Tools


Much of our schoolwork will be done on Chromebooks, making this physical device essential for student learning. Students will use websites and apps to enhance and assess their learning. Most writing in today's world is done on computers, and as we learn and work with these devices students will learn concepts and skills directly related to workplace computer use that will help them in their careers.


Smartphones are a students' primary tool for communication, both transmitted and received. Many concepts and skills that students learn in an English classroom can be applied directly to everyday Smartphone use. Smartphones can also be used to enhance and assess learning through apps and websites. Students will also learn and practice appropriate phone use in the classroom.


Whether it's a professional DSLR, a point-and-shoot digital, or on a phone, cameras are part of students' lives, and students should learn how to use them to tell narratives, communicate information, or just be creative. In my classroom, students will have opportunities to use photography to tell stories, film videos, photograph for advertisements, etc.



Put your library card into Libby and "check out" eBooks and Audiobooks just like a library.


We will use Pocket to read or listen to articles for discussion, writing prompts, research, etc.

We will use app for quick access to definitions while reading in class, or for synonyms during writing.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader is useful for creating PDFs, as well as annotating and making comments on PDF files.