Project-Based Learning

Shop Local Campaign

You have a family member who is a small business owner in your town. Their business, along with many other businesses in the area are struggling to get by because many citizens of the town shop almost entirely online or go to the city frequently to shop at big box stores like Costco, Walmart, etc. Your family member asks you and some of your friends to help them create a "Shop Local Campaign" for your town in order to encourage town members to support local businesses.

For your campaign you should:

  • Come up with an interesting and effective campaign slogan.

  • Create a graphic that could be posted around town or shared somehow (e.g. a flyer, infographic, social media post)

  • Create a campaign video (e.g. advertisement, explainer video)

  • Interview a stakeholder or interested party (e.g. city council member, business owner) and demonstrate evidence of other research

  • Present your campaign to the class and community members

You have the freedom to determine your target audience, your research and interview questions, and the content and themes of your campaign. Throughout the project we will learn rhetorical skills, researching skills, interview and presentation skills, and technology uses that will help you create a successful and professional campaign.

Below is the rubric that your final project will be graded on:

Shop Local Campaign Rubric

Tech Tool How-To's

How to Use Canva for your Graphic

How to Use Adobe Spark to Create Your Video

Example Products

