It is the main section of the library where library users go when they need to read and research. Borrowing and returning of books (fiction) are carried out at this section. It contains books in all subject areas from Generalities (000) to Geography (900).

This section contains books and periodicals written by Filipino authors and by foreign authors about the Philippines. Articles about the Philippines are also included in this section.

This section contains books and other materials about the history, culture, arts, and images about Manila. Ordinances from previous and present local officials are included in this section.

This section contains magazines, journals, and newspapers on a periodic basis.

This section contains Theses and Dissertations (undergraduate and graduate theses, doctorate dissertations), Law books, Rizaliana collection (books, periodicals, works, and other materials pertaining to Dr. Jose Rizal), Art works, Maps and Atlases, Vernacular and Historical collection.

 This section provides free use of computers with Internet / WI-FI access. It also includes MIROS (Manila Information Reference Online Services).

It houses children's books, educational toys, and board games.

It houses general encyclopedic works including dictionaries, almanacs, atlases, directories, handbooks, manuals, indexes and abstracts, etc.

This section is where the library clients’ IDs/library cards are checked and bags and other belongings are collected while inside the library premises. This section is also responsible for the registration of new clients in order to obtain library cards.