Managed Urbanisation

Urban Sprawl Is Killing Us, But There’s Another Way

The Age – April 17, 2009 Frank Real

AS THE days grow cooler, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief that the past summer has finally come to an end. As well as the unprecedented and tragic bushfire season, severe summer conditions induced a string of urban disasters that, due to poor planning, were waiting to happen: public transport failures, traffic nightmares and water shortages.

In response, the State Government is proposing quick fixes that involve new roads, longer freeways, rail tunnels and a desalination plant, solutions that will cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Yet in the face of unbounded urban sprawl, such answers are short-term and ultimately unsustainable. If the urban juggernaut of Melbourne continues to roll, expanding at its current rate of 1.65 per cent (or 63,000 people) per year, further road and public transport overhauls, as well as additional desalination plants, are likely to be on the agenda within another 15 years.

Some efforts have been made to curb the urban spread. Amid backlash, there have been cursory nods in the direction of medium-density housing. Last week, Melburnians heard of plans to turn the 128-hectare former Department of Defence site in Maribyrnong into a new suburb. Such a move would absorb population growth that would otherwise settle on Melbourne’s fringes.

The move is a temporary solution — Melbourne’s growth cannot be directed into unused pockets of land for long, because such land is limited. Victoria and, indeed, the whole of Australia must think creatively and radically about directing growth away from our burgeoning capital cities.

About half of Australia’s population is contained in five state capitals. The result is an over-urbanisation that is inefficient and requires the building of ever-expanding infrastructure, including transport, sewerage, water and energy supply, telecommunications and waste disposal.

Smaller planned cities make more sense. Ideas that might generally be considered too difficult suddenly, in the context of a smaller urban centre, become feasible: storm water harvesting for household and industrial use, water recycling, conversion of sewage and garbage into fuel, and greenhouse market gardens and aquaculture using low-grade waste heat. Smaller cities are efficient. Roads, sewers, water supply pipes, electricity lines and telecommunication links can be shorter and economical. Energy that would otherwise go to waste can be used by homes and industry.

When coal or gas is burned in a power station to produce electricity, a large proportion of heat energy goes into the atmosphere. If commercial and residential buildings are located nearby, this wasted energy could be used for a variety of purposes, including industrial processes and heating. At present, power is produced in places far away from the main glut of population. With the population living and working close to an energy-producing plant, annual efficiency of energy use could be raised from 35 to 70 per cent.

This idea is not new. It was generated in the 1970s at the Centre of Environmental Science at Monash University at a time when oil prices were skyrocketing and energy conservation was a major issue. The timeliness of the concept has only increased in an era of climate change, “peak oil” and further depletion of energy resources.

The Monash study was based on the use of a “seed” community — an existing small centre of 3000 to 10,000 people. Castlemaine, which is about 100 kilometres from Melbourne and has some industry, could be a good candidate for expansion into a sustainable city. Around or near the community, the city would be planned to grow to up to 100,000 people over a period of 10 to 25 years.

Planning is crucial. Infrastructure can be designed to handle a certain maximum load, and does not need to be continuously upgraded to meet ever-increasing demands.

New vistas could be opened up for urban environment: a city can be designed to be “green”, with an abundance of parks and gardens, bicycle tracks and open recreation areas. The process would need to be induced by government incentives such as cheap land, tax cuts and reduced water and energy costs.

Overall, the concept is radical but surprisingly inexpensive. Establishing six or seven small cities would cost about $1 billion, including land acquisition and basic first-stage infrastructure. Compared with the $38 billion price tag on Melbourne’s road “solution”, striking at the root cause of our urban problems comes at a very modest cost.

Simply increasing urban sprawl may have political value, but it is not environmentally sustainable. The voting centre of gravity lies in the big cities; the result is a disproportionate amount of taxpayer money being spent in these large urban centres rather than on new concepts that will benefit future generations. Unless we see some vision and determination on a political, corporate and private level around creating smaller cities, the woes of last summer are sure to be repeated.

Frank Reale is a mechanical and electrical engineer and environmental scientist who specialises in energy conservation. He has a special interest in sustainable cities.