What are the Key Measures to Promote Magento 2 Content in 2020?

Once you have, launched the E-commerce business you need to focus on how to promote it. For online sellers, this situation is quite challenging, considering the competition in the E-commerce world. One of the major strategies to promote a brand and boost eCommerce Conversion Rate is a content promotion to make it discoverable by search engines. To achieve this job in a streamlined manner there are content promotion methods. Magento 2 has numerous inherent features that can be used to increase online store traffic.

SEO is a prominent technique used to rank a website to the first page of the search results which most of the brands focus on. To be on the first page, it is important to optimize your content to make it better visible. Let’s see what major tips are present to promote your online selling store content.

1. Make Use of Keywords

Always build content with proper keywords and use them from the customer's viewpoint. Try to imagine words they might use to find your web store. With keywords, the discoverability is increased significantly.

There are several tools that can be used to select keywords for the content. Google Keyword Planner is a popular tool helping to identify which keyword is going to work for you. The tool will describe how to use the keyword, its usage frequency, and competitors' benefit. The tool helps to find the keywords and can bring the highest traffic. Most of the Magento E-commerce SEO Services use Google Keyword Planner to establish the whole keyword marketing campaign.

2. Implement Canonical Tags

When the website is designed & developed it includes duplicate content with several URLs referring to the same content. Duplicate content lowers the SEO technique performance, thus we suggest using the Magento configuration services to eliminate duplicate content by implementing canonical tags.

Canonical tags refer to the original source of content and stop duplicate content from being accessed by crawlers. You can activate these tags in the Catalog settings on the website Admin panel.

3. Start Blogging

Blogs are the perfect means to use keywords, links, and other important content that you want to promote. Make a blog section in your Magento web store and use it as a platform for different meaningful content.

It is a great way to include URLs, place keywords strategically to engage potential customers. A blog is highly-useful to backlink other pieces of website content. In a blog, it is simple to build a whole system of links between your pages, product references, and other blog posts. They are a perfect source of leads.

4. Improve Website Performance

Your website traffic and conversion rate depend a lot on the speed and performance factor. These days, people switch to another website when coming across slowly loading websites and close the website.

Website performance can be improved with a reliable hosting provider, the latest software version, and compressed image sizes. Maintaining proper performance is an ongoing method and requires timely website monitoring and updates. If you do not have an experienced Magento SEO Audit team, it is important to contact a professional agency that can take over the website maintenance. They will ensure that its loading speed is always remarkable. This way, your content promotion strategy will yield desired business results engaging more customers to your E-commerce store.

Wrapping Up:

Building a Magento store is not the only means to sell products and engage potential buyers. In addition to website development, proper promotion of content is also highly important. We have mentioned all the key tips to promote website content. The best means is to use the SEO technique by consulting an experienced agency. This overall improves the eCommerce Conversion Rate to a great extent which is crucial for a competitive world.