Section III, Clause IX of the Madockawanda Lodge Bylaws states that "The executive committee of the lodge shall consist of all duly elected lodge officers, chapter chiefs, all duly appointed lodge committee chairmen and advisers, all duly appointed lodge and chapter advisers, the immediate past lodge chief, and the Scout Executive or his representative. All business conducted at these meetings will be final with regards to Section X of these rules." An updated list of those members that serve on the committee, in accordance with youth protection procedures, can be found below.
Meeting minutes
Keep up-to-date on lodge happenings by reading the minutes of our executive committee meetings. You can find those here.
lodge officers and advisers
Chief- Cameron L- chief@madockawanda.org
Vice Chief- Mathieu C - vicechief@madockawanda.org
Secretary- Samuel M - secretary@madockawanda.org
Treasurer- Kit A - treasurer@madockawanda.org
Immediate Past Lodge Chief- Darryk K
Lodge Adviser- Mike Mirisola - adviser@madockawanda.org
Associate Adviser, Program- Jody Hart
Associate Adviser, Administration- Matt Dubois
Associate Adviser, Engagement- Jai Wescott
Staff Adviser- Vacant
CHapter Chiefs and advisers
Abnaki Chief- Jacobi S - abnaki@madockawanda.org
Casco Bay Chief- Will R - cascobay@madockawanda.org
K-Valley Chief- Lucas M - kvalley@madockawanda.org
York Chief- Chris D - york@madockawanda.org
Abnaki Adviser- Shane Marshall
Casco Bay Adviser-
K-Valley Adviser- Cindy Davis
York Adviser- Ed Cockburn
Committee Chairs and advisers
You can contact all committee chairs at committee@madockawanda.org. The email will send to the lodge chief and their adviser, who will connect you with the right committee chair and adviser.
Camp Promotions Chair- Sam P
Kitchen Chair- Tyler MacVane
Ceremonies Chair- Gregg H
Elangomat/Nimat Chair- Jack Riddle
National Events Chair- Gavin Holbrook
Recognition Chair- Will Barry
Service Chair- Tori Wile
Training Chair- Zack Delile
Unit Rep Chair- Nathan Hall
Ordeal Chair- Chris D
Kitchen Adviser- Sue Dexter
Ceremonies Adviser- Gary Hauger
Elangomat/Nimat Adviser- Georgia Hartley
NOAC Contingent Lead- Joe Poulin
Recognitions Adviser- Wayne Holden
Camp Promotions Adviser- Anna Gervais
Service Adviser- Garey Hartley
Training Adviser- Scott Valcourt
Unit Rep Adviser- Ed Poulin
Ordeal Chair- Tim Guerrette