Don't know where to start? Are you a new member, a former member who is trying to get involved? Well, you're in luck. Madockawanda Lodge has a great program in place to give our members the best experience possible!
PAY Your Dues
Paying your dues is an important part of our program and funds a large portion of what we do as members of the Order of the Arrow. Dues are just $16 per year and cover official membership of the lodge. Those who do not pay dues must do so before attending any lodge event.
Pay online here or complete and mail in this form here.
Attend Chapter Meetings
The most common activity of the lodge, chapter meetings are generally fun, and inform you about our program as well as provide a fun program on a regional basis. Each district has a chapter within the lodge, and each chapter has a section on this site with accurate, up-to-date meeting information. Navigate to those sections here and find out what you can do. Email your chapter chief and adviser (follow youth protection). They would love to hear from you!
Attend Lodge Events
Lodge events will typically be announced months in advance, and at chapter meetings. The announcement will usually be able to be found on Facebook, as well as on this website. Sign up well in advance and we will be extremely excited to see you there! You can sign up for all of our events here!