Improving Postdoc's life

Leiden University Postdoc Assembly

At LUPA we propose a collective approach to problem solving. If we do it together, we will improve postdoc's lives and remove unnecessary barriers that prevent postdocs from having a great work-life balance.

Problem solving exercise

LUPA is working out an optimal postdoc quality of life. To do so, we are conducting a problem-solving exercise to help improve postdocs' conditions.

We realised the information for postdocs provided by the Leiden University website was not exactly tailored to the diversity of needs that postdocs have.

We work continuously on putting here all the info relevant for postdocs in a sexier format. If you see something missing or you have tips on how to improve it, contact us.

Postdocs differ largely in their research and their personal circumstances. However, they are in many way similar meaning there is a lot of potential for connection even only by sharing experiences. With that in mind, at LUPA we organise scientific events and leisure activities to bring people together.


LUPA_Memorandum 2019-2020.pdf