

LUPA represents the postdocs of Leiden University. Therefore the efforts of LUPA complement those of PhDoc, the political party for PhD candidates and postdocs at Leiden University.

The challenges that postdocs face are to a large degree common to all universities. If you are interested on a higher level of representation you can check where you can find links to other local networks in the Netherlands.

In addition, all employees from Leiden University can get representation from four different unions. Joining a union has benefits such as getting legal help from a lawyer in case you need it, or getting help with filling your tax return. You can find all relevant information about the unions present at Leiden University here.


PhDoc is the political party for PhD candidates and postdocs at Leiden University. Currently PhDoc holds two seats in the University Council. As well, it collaborates with PhD candidates and postdocs in the various faculty and employee councils.

Postdoc NL

POSTDOCNL is platform to unite and represent postdocs from all backgrounds and knowledge institutions in The Netherlands