

Obtaining funding at an early stage of your career can make a difference in your future.

To get to know more about the grants that you can apply, you can contact the grant development team of Leiden University and check the funding calendar.

NWO Funds for corona -delayed Research

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has made available extra funds for PhDs and Postdocs to compensate for research delays during corona. These funds will be used to support contract extensions for up to 3 months. Announcement from the University can be found here. More information will soon follow.


The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) offers several types of individual postdoctoral funding:

  • Rubicon to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands.

  • VENI to independently carry out an innovative postdoctoral project.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Individual Fellowships from the MSCA can help you boost your research career by working abroad for one or two years, within and outside Europe. In addition, you can apply for short-term personnel exchanges between different organizations via the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE).

Leiden University Fund

Once per year, the Leiden University Fund (LUF)'s Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB) awards grants up to €25.000 to Leiden University researchers from all disciplines. There are several funds available, each with a specific purpose and budget.

Applications for 2021 LUF grants for academic projects are closed now. Check the application procedure and grant criteria in the Academic project site.

Seed grants

Sometimes there are seed grants that help you boost an idea.

For example, the new Leiden Focus Area on Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC), invites proposals for seed grants of up to €5.000 (up to €10.000 in exceptional cases) for new interdisciplinary research in this area.

In addition, the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell), of which Leiden University is part of, has just launched a Seed Funding Call for inter-university proposals. Funding up to 25.000 can be provided for one-year collaborative projects.

seed grant call 2020.12.pdf

Follow workshops and courses

You can consider following the Leiden University course on writing an excellent research grant proposal for PhDs and postdocs to help you maximize your success opportunities.