It's festival day 2 - Ordinal numbers
Slavimo praznik 2 - Redni brojevi
1) Let’s move on with our lessons! Open your texbook to page 59; open your notebook and put the title It's festival day 2 - Ordinal numbers, the date and the goals for today. (Nastavimo s gradivom! Otvori udžbenik na str. 59; otvori bilježnicu i stavi naslov It's festival day 2 _ Ordinal numbers, datum i postavimo ciljeve za danas.)
It's festival day 2 Tuesday, 9 June 2020
I can:
read and write ordinal numbers and dates (čitati i pisati redne brojeve i datume)
2) First, let's revise some words and the texts about festivals. Go to IZZI and do exercices A Words, words, words and B Reading and Listening (here you can listen to the texts and answer the questions below). (Najprije ponovimo riječi i tekstove o danima kada smo slobodni od obaveza. Idi na IZZI i napravi zadatke A Words, words, words i B Reading and listening (ovdje možeš poslušati tekstove iz udžbenika i odgovoriti na pitanja ispod.)
3) Now, look at My GRAMMAR section in your textbook, p. 59. There you can see how ordinal numbers are formed. Copy this table into your notebook. In this way, you will practice the writing of cardinal and ordinal numbers. (Pogledaj My GRAMMAR u udžbeniku na str. 59. Vidjet ćeš kako radimo redne brojeve. Precrtaj ovu tablicu u bilježnicu. Tako ćeš vježbati pisanje glavnih i rednih brojeva.)
As you may notice, they are not so easy to write, so please be sure to practice. Here you can hear how to pronounce them. (Kao što možeš primjetiti, nije ih lako pisati, tako da te molim da puno vježbaš. Ovdje možeš poslušati kao ih izgovoriti.)
4) So far, I hope we have all lernt how to write dates. We know that there are no full stops and the months are written in capitals. Now it is time to learn how to read them. There are two different ways and you can choose which one you prefer. Copy this table into your notebook. (Do sada smo svi naučili kako pisati datume. Znamo da nema točke i da se mjeseci pišu velikim slovom, a sada ćemo naučiti kako ih čitati. Postoje dva načina, a ti izaberi koji ti se više sviđa. Prepiši tablicu u svoju bilježnicu.)
REMEMBER (zapamti): Kod PISANJA datuma možemo staviti redni broj, ali ne moramo; kod ČITANJA datuma, moramo reći redni broj, npr: pišemo: 19 June 2020 ili 19th June 2020; čitamo: the nineteenth of June twenty twenty ili June the nineteenth twenty twenty
Don't forget: we use ON when we talk about dates and days, e.g. I was born ON 19 June./Christmas in ON 25 December. If you want to listen about how dates are read, watch the first two and a half minutes of this video. (Ne zaboravi: koristimo ON kada govorimo o datumima i danima (na taj i taj dan), npr. Rođena sam 19. lipnja./ Božić pada 25. prosinca. Ukoliko želiš poslušati kako se čitaju datumi, pogledaj prve dvije i pol minute ovog videa.)
5) Lastly, let's practice! Do exercice Dates Match up and have fun! If you want to practice some more, go to IZZI - It's festival day!, C Grammar time - Execrices 1-5. (Na kraju, vježbajmo! Napravi zadatak Dates Match up i zabavi se! Ako želiš još vježbati, idi na IZZI: It's festival day!, C GRammar Time, vježbe 1-5.)
This is what your notebook should look like:
It's festival day 2 Tuesday, 9 June 2020
I can:
read and write ordinal numbers and dates (čitati i pisati redne brojeve i datume)