It's festival day 1

                                                                       Slavimo praznik!


1)   Let’s move on with our lessons! Open your texbook to page 58; open your notebook and put the title It's festival day, the date and the goals for today. (nastavimo s gradivom! Otvori udžbenik na str. 58; otvori bilježnicu i stavi naslov It's festival day, datum i postavimo ciljeve za danas.)


                                                                                     It's festival day 1  Friday5 June May 2020

I can/know:

2Look at some words from this lesson and write them down into your notebook or dictionary. There are some new words and you can practice them on Quizlet. (Pogledaj neke od riječi iz ove lekcije i zapiši ih u bilježnicu ili rječnik. Neke riječi su nove, a sve ih možeš vježbati na Quizletu.)

3)  Now, look at task 2 in your textbook. Read the texts and match them to the pictures.  Then copy and answer the questions from 2b into your notebook. (Pogledaj zadatak 2 u udžbeniku. Pročitaj tekstove i spoji ih sa sličicama. Zatim prepiši pitanja iz 2b u bilježnicu i odgovori na njih.)

4Now, do task 3b and then practice the words some more. (Napravi zadatak 3b i zatim vježbaj još riječi). 

5) Lastly, do the tasks in your workbook, p. 67. Noe think about the goals from the beginning. Do you know the words? And can you say and write six sentences about a special day, e.g. St Patrick's Day? (Na kraju, riješi zadatke na stranici 67 u radnoj bilježnici. Zatim razmisli o ciljevima s početka lekcije. Da li znaš sve riječi? Da li znaš reći/napisati šest rečenica o nekom prazniku, npr. o Danu Sv. Patrika?)





This is what your notebook should look like:


                                                                                                                                                    It's festival day 1  Friday5 June May 2020
I can/know:
  •  the words from p. 58 (TB) and p. 67 (WB) (riječi iz udžbenika, str. 58 i iz radne bilježnice, str. 67)
  • talk and write about special days - six sentences (govoriti i pisati o posebnim danima - šest rečenica)

When does each festival take place? Mardi Gras takes place 47 days before Easter. St Patrick's Day takes place on 17 March. Independence Day in the USA takes place on 4 July. Where does each festival takes place?Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana. St Patrick's Day is celebrated all around the world. The 4 of July Independence Day is celebrated in the USA.