This is my room

Hello smarties!


1)  Let’s move on with our lessons! Open your notebook, pur the title and the goal for today. (Idemo na lekciju o svojoj sobi: This is my room! Otvori bilježnicu i stavi naslov, datum i postavimo cilj za danas.)


                                                                                                   This is my room       Tuesday,  19 May 2020

I know:

·       the words from the textbook, p. 56 and workbook, pp. 62/63


2)   First, let’s go to your textbook, p. 56. Do task 1b – listen and write the rooms in Ryan’s house. (Idemo u udžbenik, str. 56. Napravi zadatak 1b – poslušaj i napiši gdje su pojedine prostorije u Ryanovoj kući.)

3)  Let’s revise some vocabulary related to furniture; there are many words you already know and here are only some of those that might be new, so copy them into your notebook/dictionary; you can practice them on Quizlet and on IZZI: (Idemo ponoviti riječi vezane iz namještaj; u lekciji je mnogo riječi koje već znaš, a ovdje su samo neke koje su ti možda nepoznate, pa ih zapiši u bilježnicu/rječnik; sve riječi možeš vježbati na Quizletu in a IZZIju:)

4)   Let’s do task 2 in your textbook (p. 56); answer the questions into your notebook (we practice new words and there is/are; you can find the answers at the end of this lesson). (Napravimo zadatak 2 u udžbeniku; odgovori na pitanja u bilježnicu (vježbamo riječi i there is/are; odgovori se nalaze na kraju lekcije.)

5)  Look at Grammar section in your textbook on the same page: here you can revise the prepositions of place; do the task. (Pogledaj dio o gramatici u udžbeniku na istoj stranici: ponovit ćeš prijedloge mjesta – gdje se što nalazi; napravi zadatak.)

6)  Let’s do task 3. Listen to Ryan and label the picture. (Napravimo zadatak 3. Poslušaj Ryana i označi brojevima dijelove na slici.)

7)  Finally, go to your workbook and practice the words: pages 62 and 63. (Na kraju, idi u radnu bilježnicu i vježbaj riječi na stranicama 62 i 63).





This is what your notebook should look like:


                                                                                                                                                      This is my room    Tuesday,  19 May 2020
I know:·       the words from the textbook, p. 56 and workbook, pp. 62/63                                                                                                               WORDS

TB, P. 56, TASK 2

1 There are six drawers in the chest of drawers.

2 The curtains are red.

3 The carpet is round and black with white waves. There are two bean bags on the carpet.

4 The wardrobe is next to the chest of drawers.

5 There are books, toys, pencils and a globe on the bookcase.

6 I can find four gadgets: a TV on the chest of drawers, a game console next to the TV, a tablet on the bed and a laptop on the desk.