This is how I do my Diet to Deflate and Detoxify my Body in 3 DAYS

Before we begin to see how we prepare food, I will try to explain what inflammation is so that you can better understand this video. Inflammation is a defense mechanism of our body to fight and eliminate matters, viruses and infections that enter our body. That is why when we get sick, our throat gets inflamed or we get scared. Here it is a reaction of our body trying to fight and eliminate this infection or virus. Or also when we hit or we do not fill them a part of the body. This part is called and this is a reaction of our body that sends cells that help repair, restore tissues and remove waste that no longer works. Let's say this is a healthy inflammation, a protective system and without this inflammation we would not be able to recover from many of the usual ailments. But when inflammation stays longer than necessary, this is where it can cause a negative effect and is the main cause of many diseases that I don't want to mention because they are sensitive subjects for YouTube. Some of the symptoms of chronic inflammation are constant fatigue, insomnia, body pain, difficulty losing weight, frequent infections, anxiety and it is even associated with depression.

It can be caused by many factors, but in the food aspect it is caused by intolerance and allergy to certain foods. There are also problems and difficulties digesting certain foods or toxins released by these foods that are difficult for our liver, kidneys and lymphatic system to cleanse. Fortunately, this inflammation can be reversed with small changes in the kitchen, like the ones we are going to see below and a little physical activity. It is in the mornings with a little bit of green full of life, to which I add fresh parsley leaves, a little bit of fresh celery, a handful of spinach, a little piece of sliced ginger, a quarter of seedless cucumber and a quarter of green apple. And this is the only piece of fruit that, as during the artistic day, I tasted fresh lemon juice and half a glass of water. We chop it. You have to leave it well and carefully. If I could drink the juice like that, I would drink it with everything, but I don't know why I can't drink all that.

When I was a little boy I was told it was like this with all the vegetables, so there.

So what I do is to strain it and just drink the pure essence of the elixir of life. And I take it in a small glass with ice cubes, I put some mint leaves to give it a fresh touch, as if I were drinking a mojito. And I drink it little by little. Freshness. This is an eating protocol that I follow for three days, where I completely eliminate the main inflammatory foods, such as refined flours and carbohydrates, sugar, sweeteners, processed foods and meats, dairy, alcohol and trans fats. I basically apply the rule that if my grandfather or great-grandfather doesn't know the foods, I don't eat them. I start with breakfast and this I prepare with some fresh sticks cut in a teaspoon of olive oil or avocado oil, sliced onion, bell bell pepper. For these days I only eat two whole eggs and one egg white. One. I put a little salt in grain, fine herbs and when it is almost ready spinach, let's see how it turned out.

It is good. These days I reduce my caloric intake quite a lot, I reduce the amount of proteins that my body needs because I also take the opportunity to let my kidneys and liver rest and purify my organism a little. With these meals I feel good, I feel satisfied. Maybe maybe I like some tortillas, but you get the mentality that these are three days and that after this you are going to feel better. With this amount of calories these three days I lose weight, I lose water, I lose a lot of weight, but when I start to eat normally, my body assimilates the nutrients in a better way, my physical performance improves and everything works better. I finish breakfast and the other meals. There are days when I keep the look and dinner very simple. Today I am going to prepare a salad for lunch and dinner. This salad I put two peeled Creole cucumbers. I remove the seeds because many seeds of the vegetables cause me inflammation and also to many, since I was left with the pure pulp.

I am going to cut it into cubes.

Se. I'm going to purple. No! small onion stalk. Fresh cilantro leaves. I'm going to put a tomato, but tomato is one of the. The ones that cause inflammation in people. In my case it affects me, but I also remove the seed and only eat the pulp. I usually add two to this salad. At the beginning I mentioned that I eliminated dairy completely, but since I do this very often, at least once a month. The first time I did make it very strict, but these times I get this lactose panela cheese, a tiny little piece. If it's the first time you're going to do a diet like this. You don't want to take any risks. You can put this part of a little piece of cheese in there. They killed it in there with some little sticks that I put to sew. You can also put them in like this. I just put grain salt on it already. Fine herbs. The juice of a lemon. A teaspoon of white vinegar.

Little yellow because it is white vinegar or nothing like a teaspoon of avocado oil, as well as olive oil.

I could eat this salad alone, but then with a portion of protein, the grilled chicken is ready. That's what I do. I put a portion of salad on a plate. On top. The chicken breast. I drink rum. Then a portion of avocado came out of my mouth very watery. We mixed here. And that avocado ruined the way the food looks. He usually drank it. Here it makes a side. A little salt? If it's fresh. How could you tell? I cut out all carbs. And it's not that I have anything against carbs. I like to eat with carbs, but these three days. As I mentioned to you at the beginning, I like to scale my body a little bit, that my body suffered a little bit and that's why I take the opportunity to eliminate all the carbs and just stay with protein and healthy fats. This would be my meal. After a snack I have a snack, which can be nuts. There are other days that I prepare a jelly without sugar and for dinner I prepare this portion of salad with a piece of white fish, another piece of chicken or even a piece of meat.

I also see it as a way to teach my body to work with the fat stores it has.