How many hours of fasting do I need to lose weight? intermittent fasting

Weight loss, rejuvenation, improvement of your body, increased production of stem cells, which are all things that are proven to be beneficial. Starting with intermittent fasting, you understand how many hours you have to fast per day to get those specific benefits.


Let us first suppose that you have a meal, you make a very large meal, rich in carbohydrates, that everyone in general likes and that you know that it is going to make you gain weight quickly. So you have a meal at 12 noon, rich in carbohydrates. What is the consequence? Suppose that from that moment on you no longer eat that carbohydrate-rich food. If you don't spend it, it will accumulate normally in your body, under normal conditions, in the form of fat. People normally think look, I get fat because I don't eat a lot of fat, you get fat because you eat too many carbohydrates that you don't use. And those carbohydrates at the liver level, when they are surplus, are transformed into fat that subsequently accumulates in your body. So let's suppose that you make a meal rich in carbohydrates and you don't eat again for a period of hours and show step by step what happens in your body from that fasting period that starts from, let's suppose, in this case at 12 noon, at zero hours.

If you have just finished eating and a process of hyperglycemia begins, glycemia goes up progressively and then, due to your own mechanisms of insulin and normal response in glycemia, it goes down. So, as you can see in the image, the first benefit starts to increase, simply by following how low blood glucose was in your body in the next 2468 hours. This is normal, it's okay to happen, and it's what would normally cause me to gain fat when I'm in surplus calories, whether from carbs or otherwise. That is point number one. It is what we have all seen so far in our lives. The second thing that you have to understand is that there are periods that are going to exist after those eight, nine, ten hours in which my blood glucose level dropped so much that my body reacts to this by producing hormones called hyperglycemia before What they do is artificially raise the artificial blood glucose. I do not mean that it does not happen within your body, but rather that it is not due to the diet that you have just made, but to hormones that what they do is take from your liver the reserves and glycogen reserves that they call and increase through remove and use these reserves.


Increase the amount of blood sugar that you are going to have at this time. This will happen approximately from six eight hours onwards. Sometime. These reserves are not infinite. At some point these glycogen stores are going to run out. This happens at approximately 12:00, where the period that you have here in red ends, which is the period where I would normally use carbohydrates as an energy source. After 12:00, I'm going to start using fat as an energy source. This is crucial. 13 hours is the number for sure, but after 12:00 the vast majority of people are already using fat as a source of energy because their carbohydrate reserves have normally run out. So, the first answer that one has in this video is Well, if I'm going to do intermittent fasting, at least to get benefits, I need to do more than 12 hours of fasting. This does not mean either lowering the number of calories I consume per day, nor necessarily changing my diet.

I can do those two things depending on what side effect I want to have. But it is not necessary. So the first thing I have to understand is a minimum of 12 hours of fasting. If I continue, I am going to find that in the first four hours from 12 to 4 p.m. I am going to find two processes that are going to happen. One is if I run out of the carbohydrate source I'm going to use, I'm going to use fat. This effect in my body is called the pituitary. The law cops is what every overweight person wants to get. You want to consume the fat to transform it into energy. This is great for anyone who wants to lose weight. And the other effect, which is also extremely beneficial, is the increase in growth hormone. The growth hormone that is in massive amounts. When one is young or a teenager, it begins to decrease with age and that causes all the tissues that we have in our body to renew more and more slowly and therefore also slows down our metabolism.


So the increase in growth hormone accelerates my metabolism again, renews the tissues faster, so my aging will be slower, it will be slowed down. This is one of the first most important beneficial effects that you will have if you start intermittent fasting simply by having this increase in growth hormone that other things can give you, in addition to intermittent fasting, strength exercises in general, training with sleep modification and various other things that are going to help you at least slow down the cellular aging processes that are going to happen to all of us. On the other hand, after 4:00 p.m., if that is where most of the benefits really start to be seen. What I mean by this? I mean the other is minor? No, I mean that if you are looking for, for example, scientific evidence on intermittent fasting because you heard the opposite all your life and they always told you look, you have to eat every two hours.

Understand that the benefits that happen after 4:00 p.m. that you have noted here as autophagy are what gave rise to a Japanese researcher winning the Nobel Prize for this research in 2016. Rest assured that this has an enormous amount of scientific validity. What does autophagy mean? It means using my reserves in the tissues of crap to transform it into energy, whether it's useless proteins, fatty acids and hanging around. What I'm going to do is degrade this fabric. I'm not going to downgrade anything. I will not lose muscle mass. Quite the contrary. I will proportionally increase muscle mass. If I do, it's an intermittent. If not, I will degrade a piece of an organ to transform it into energy. This is recycling. It is transforming the garbage in my body into energy. And it is a purifying mechanism that I can use every day because I am eliminating toxins simply through this mechanism called autophagy. So if you tell me look, normally when we talk about intermittent fasting in common conditions, how many hours are we talking about?


We are normally talking about 16 hours fasting and eight hours eating. That is the classic value of intermittent fasting. I can take this further. What does beyond mean? If I do 18, 20 hours, I will continue doing autophagy. If the benefit is going to be even higher, of course it is. Of course yes. And if I arrive at approximately 8:00 p.m., that's where we start to see evidence. A lot of information is still being studied, but there is already a lot of evidence of an increase in stem cell production from 20 to 22 hours of fasting in my tissues. What does this mean? They are renewed faster and are renewed in an extremely healthy way, because what enters this tissue are stem cells and it is not simply toxicity. We are already talking about a much more beneficial rejuvenation effect. Therefore, you can choose what your goal is. Your goal is to lose perfect weight. From 12:00 you will be burning fat. Your goal is to autophagy to rejuvenate yourself, to be better, because you understand the value of eliminating toxicity.