How is diabetes managed 2022

What can I do when I have high blood sugar, when I have high blood glucose? Elevated blood glucose is not just a problem for people who have diabetes long before this, long before they have diseases like diabetes. There are warning signs in our body that warn us that something is not working as it should. That is why we are going to see how to regulate this blood glucose and avoid the problems it brings in the future. Within glycemia there is a parameter that is central both for health and longevity and for the accumulation of fat in my body or in the generation of diseases such as diabetes. And this is the variability of glycemia. In a nutshell, the more glycemic variability, the more high blood sugar spikes, and I'm going to do those low-glycemic, low-energy moments that you've probably already experienced on a regular basis. You had one or two slices of cake at one point, you had more energy both physically and mentally, and then that energy drops along with your mood and you feel worse. The greater the variability of blood glucose, the higher it will be.

My blood glucose at times of high and lower sugar is going to be my blood glucose. In times of low blood sugar, the limits will be more extreme. This leads us to contrasts in mood, in energy levels and leads to many problems in the future, how are you going to see later? The first concept with acute glycemia you always have to be clear about is that glycemia does not increase only because of the sugar that you eat in your meals. Although the main variable that affects blood glucose is sugar and the carbohydrates that we consume are not the only ones. Our blood glucose can rise rapidly due to other factors. For one thing, it can increase when we suddenly eat a large amount of protein thanks to a process called glucose New Genesis. This process that generates sugar from scratch is the reason why I can follow a diet without carbohydrates like the star Eugenia and function well. Anyway, when my brain needs sugar yes or yes, the eugenic glucose will lead to a small spike in blood glucose after a large protein intake, but it will always be much less than the increase in blood glucose after eating a refined carbohydrate.

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On the other hand, our blood glucose can increase due to stress or any mechanism that stimulates the stress hormone, which is cortisol. For example, having a coffee or a stimulating drink increases the release of cortisol, which in turn increases our blood sugar and leads us to obtain a high level of energy, but for a short period of time. With which people who are exposed to high levels of stress and consume drinks much earlier are increasing their cortisol levels and are also chronically stimulating their blood glucose level. So, if you were wondering why you have high blood sugar in the morning, this could be an answer for you. What happens in our body when this blood glucose is high? Why is this elevation a problem in people who do not have diabetes? For example, when our blood sugar rises because we eat something too rich in sugar, such as a plate of pasta or a cake, for example, our blood insulin level shoots up, the hormone that controls blood sugar and our The body has two options in this situation: either it stores excess energy in the form of triglycerides in what we know as body fat that we don't want to have, or it carries that excess sugar to muscle and to be used as energy.

The math here is pretty simple if my muscle output is poor and my liver's glycogen stores that store sugar are already full. Those glycemic peaks are going to be transformed into more fat, the more insulin in the blood, the more fat. I am going to generate this increase in insulin, which makes us live a large part of our lives with optimal blood sugar levels that do not lead to gaining weight on the one hand, but also lead us to oxidize LDL cholesterol and generate more and more diseases. cardiovascular risk, more inflammation and less life expectancy. So how do I correct this to lower my blood glucose levels, lower my inflammation levels, have less cardiovascular risk, and have a longer life expectancy? First of all, we have strength training. By having a high muscular workload and strength training. It doesn't lower my blood sugar because of the amount of calories I consume. The mechanism is completely different. The increase in muscle mass is what plays into this effect of lowering blood glucose, because our body has a certain metabolic speed and the more muscle it has, the faster it is.

It's that metabolic rate. This basically means that the less fat and more muscle I have, the more calories I have to consume just for my body to function without even considering exercise. Someone weighing 220 pounds with 5% body fat has to eat many more calories to maintain their weight than someone weighing 220 pounds with 40% body fat for this metabolic rate. But in turn, gaining muscle mass with strength training helps in the future that each sugar spike we make can be used to a greater extent by your muscles and your liver before transforming it into fat. So think of strength training more as a long-term solution. While the next exercise that I am going to mention to you is shorter term, more of a solution for today. In second place. Do high-intensity interval exercises. Interval exercises before eating. Whether you have a social event and you can not avoid eating what you have to eat or if you are going to eat badly on your own or by your own desire.

They allow you to vastly reduce your body's ability to absorb the carbohydrates you're going to consume and speed up your metabolism for a brief period of time long enough to notice if two exactly alike people with the same metabolism are going to eat the same food. The person who does interval exercises for about 30 seconds before eating will have a significantly flatter blood glucose curve than the person who did not do these exercises, gaining less weight for the same meal and having lower blood glucose and insulin values . Third, you have the post-intake walk. If interval training before eating is not for you or is not your style, the post-meal van when you finish eating is your second best option to slow the absorption rate of the carbohydrates you consumed and thus be able to reduce the the same way but to a lesser extent the glycemic curve. In 4th place, we have the plants, herbs and spices that help us to lower the blood. There are plants and herbs that help us keep blood sugar more stable throughout the day.

If you have problems managing blood sugar correctly or simply want to optimize your blood sugar to increase your life expectancy and age more slowly, the use of plants or spices is clearly recommended. Some of the examples of these spices are cinnamon, bitter melon extract, cider vinegar, apple that has a peculiarity in this case which is to prevent the digestion of starches, with which I consume a plane and then I drink this vinegar I absorb less carbohydrates. It is key to have it on hand when for social reasons, such as starchy dishes, such as a pasta dish, Greco Barbary hawthorn seeds, Erina, turmeric, rosemary and other examples such as Jimena Silvestre. These plants or spices act by reducing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin or decreasing the absorption of carbohydrates that we are going to consume. And I couldn't finish this list without mentioning chrome. Piccoli noted that it is not a spice, an herb, but that it increases insulin sensitivity and helps you better manage blood sugar, which is very useful if we have insulin resistance.

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Do you know that nature has the best way to lower blood sugar?

In 5th place, we have fiber in our intestine. We have bacteria, many of them anaerobes, that is, bacteria that do not use oxygen to produce energy. These bacteria experience the insoluble fiber that we consume and transform it into fatty acids. In other words, the grains produced by this fermentation generate very interesting and important effects to balance our blood sugar and bring us other health benefits as well. For one thing, they prevent the conversion of glucose into fatty acids in your liver. By having less fat in the liver, the metabolism of carbohydrates is facilitated by gaining less weight by eating the same carbohydrate meal as before and managing blood sugar better, which also implies less associated health risk. Second, it increases your sensitivity to insulin. The more insulin sensitivity I have, the easier it is. I can deal with these excess glucose without turning it into fat, and insulin sensitive doesn't mean I have more insulin now. In fact, that would be bad, a higher sensitivity. Insulin means that if before to lower a blood glucose peak of 150 milligrams per liter I needed ten units of insulin, now I will need seven or six unless less insulin, fewer negative consequences in the future.

Up to a point, of course. I need a balance, but the less overall the better. And thirdly, in turn, these fatty acids produced by my bacteria increase glucose tolerance, that is, the amount of glucose. I can have blood without this representing a long-term health problem. Until now I mentioned solutions that you can do without changing your habits too much. But let's suppose that these measures are not enough to obtain a better result and lower blood glucose and insulin even more. If these are elevated, either because I have diabetes, pre-diabetes or simply because I want to improve my life expectancy or lose weight. The best mechanism to lower both insulin and blood glucose, if they are very high, will always be not eating. It's logical, it's uncomfortable if you're not used to it, but it's logical because your body uses that blood glucose as a source of energy. The most practical method for this is going to be, as you guessed it, intermittent fasting, because by giving your body hours without food, it uses the glycemic reserves as energy and you begin to gradually lower the insulin.