It is unphysiological for your body to lose weight. People forget this detail. It seems to me that this detail is extremely important to understand which are the mechanisms that make you accumulate fat in your organism, where you are going to accumulate it. Depending on how it works in your organism, your hormonal metabolism and what are the factors that you have to do to modify it. Your weight basically depends on a hormonal balance, not a balance of calories where you have hormones that make you gain weight and hormones that keep you from losing weight. What is this relationship going to depend on? And what is the most important factor in all this? To control a healthy weight without making an atrocious effort at a nutritional level? Well, the trick is the following There is an extremely simple blood test, which is the test that measures insulin resistance. If you don't know what insulin resistance is? Basically insulin is a hormone that is dedicated to lowering your blood sugar level after eating. And if you have an excessive amount of insulin in your blood, what you will do is gain weight, because your body will be in a metabolic process called Ana.

This process is a process that accumulates energy, builds tissues, especially fats, and accumulates reserves. If you want to avoid this process, to avoid it you need an extremely basic principle which is to have low insulin. If you understood that you have high insulin and you activate this mechanism, it is logical that what you will want to do is to lower this amount. So, no matter how many calories I am consuming or how much exercise I am doing or various other factors, if I have high blood insulin, I am not going to lose weight. This is serious because it is extremely easy to measure. Anyone could figure out what the insulin value is in their body. It is measured with a very simple test called a coma and what that test does is it measures the relationship that insulin has with your blood glucose and it measures insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is noticed when one person needs a certain amount of insulin to lower the same amount of sugar while the other person needs, for example, twice as much.

This is a person with insulin resistance. What is going to be the consequence of this? Well, in the long run it's going to be diabetes. If I don't change anything, but forget about diabetes for a moment and think in terms of today. What you create is to decrease the amount of insulin that you have in your blood to accumulate less fat and for you to gain less weight and for it to be easier for you to activate the weight loss mechanisms that you want to effectively activate in your body. If you have been watching my videos, you already know that the weight you keep in your body depends on many factors, but it definitely does not depend only on the amount of calories you eat. If this is the first time you see it, I invite you to watch my other videos on increasing metabolism to understand how in reality both your weight and your muscle mass production and other factors are determined, more than anything else, by your hormonal production. If this seems strange to you and it's the first time you hear it, think in very simple terms of the following, see how someone can consume the ideal nutrients to build muscle by going to the gym, but will build muscle infinitely faster by taking anabolics, which in general are hormones that make you produce more muscle mass compared to just training normally and consuming the right nutrients.

This comparison holds true for your weight loss as well. In the same way, you can greatly increase the rate at which your body loses weight until you reach an ideal point in your body, as long as you first have a good hormonal balance in your body. Why are these insulin values and measuring them in blood so relevant? First, because it is extremely easy to do, but second, because we can be in two different metabolic situations which are the anabolic situation and the catabolic situation. If I want to maintain an ideal weight, I need a good balance between the two. Probably most people are too long in anabolic, which is to build tissue, mainly based on reserves, and in order to produce a weight loss, I need low insulin values. This is very important. This has to be engraved in the mind with an elevated insulin. If this is the first time you hear this measurement and this pump factor and you find this interesting, I invite you to subscribe to the channel because every week you will have videos of this type, how to improve your quality of life in unorthodox ways.

And don't forget to like it because it is also important to measure this. Well, first of all because in general it is not measured, but insulin resistance implies that you have 3 to 5 times more than the normal insulin value that another person has in order to level the blood glucose values. And you say to me, but if I am leveling it, perfect. What does this have to do with my values? Insulin? Well, insulin not only plays the role of leveling blood glucose values, insulin and the hormones associated with the associated growth factors such as IGE F1 are factors that first of all are pro-tumorigenic. They increase the chance that I will develop tumors, secondly they increase my body fat percentage and thirdly, they greatly increase my risk of cardiovascular disease. If you eat something with sugar in general you are going to maintain an elevated insulin level which will inhibit the mechanism, that is, it will prevent the mechanism of fat elimination in your organism for approximately 48 hours, which is the reason why.

Having a diet that has a low glycemic index as an overall goal is crucial. So a lot of people start to change their diet, but they don't lose weight in the first few weeks. And this has an explanation which is that your body is reducing the amount of fat that is there, especially at the visceral level, such as liver fat and other fats. But it has not yet started to reduce the fat reserves that you have in the tissues. Obviously, if you are losing weight for an aesthetic reason, you are doing it to lose fat, especially in your tissues. But what you have to understand is that it is not the priority for your body. Fat in the viscera is infinitely more dangerous for your body than abdominal fat or subcutaneous fat in general. So it will be the first place where you will discard a lot of fat and then your body will begin to incorporate a greater amount of protein and a greater amount of nutrients, and will begin to vary the percentage of body fat, even though you may not be changing your total weight.

So, my first piece of advice regarding weight is if you are making a good dietary change, you know it is good and you are not having a weight loss result in numbers of kilos. Measure your body fat percentage because if your body fat percentage is going down you are well on your way to losing weight in the future. And the other crucial step when I want to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is to not have the inhibitors of this process activated. Why? Because all the things that inhibit substances no matter if it is hormone, stress like cortisol inhibiting the hormonal production of sex hormones or any other process. If you have an inhibitor working in your body, that process is not going to happen. This is very important because? Because here the inhibitor of weight loss is insulin. If you have elevated insulin in your body you will not lose weight. That's the end of it. My first advice is to evaluate the percentage of insulin that you have in your body. Evaluate the amount of total insulin, the insulin resistance that you have with this factor.

These are incredibly easy things to solve. These are easy things to evaluate. And secondly, start eating a more low glycemic index based diet to do everything in your power to lower your blood insulin values. These are extremely simple keys that anyone can do without changing their diet too much or making too many alterations in their daily life that will give you a result, a kick start to start making changes in your life that will give you an easier result to obtain.