The challenge

How well can you work as a team?

  • Standing a few steps away from everyone, pass the ball around the group in the same order every time

  • Every time you drop the ball, go back to the start

You need

  • A few balls, which everyone feels comfortable catching - e.g. rolled up socks, scrunched up newspaper, tennis balls, soft balls

  • Enough space to safely pass, with no breakables

How long can you pass 1 ball around for, without dropping it?


  • Use a larger and lighter ball (e.g. soft toy)

  • Stand closer together

  • Pass the all around the circle

How many balls can you pass around, without dropping them?

Start at 1 ball & pass a few times, always in the same order. Add another ball & practice for a few rounds before gradually adding more.


  • Use a smaller and heavier ball (e.g. socks, tennis ball)

  • Stand further apart

  • Pass the ball in a random order, but always the same