Don't inform the waterbody with shit
Water takes with it everything we put into it.
We can dilute human waste with water, then we can clean this water mechanically, chemically, biologically to an extend that all testing shows up pure H2O.
Still on the water is informed with everything once was in it. Water is the information transmitter in the living cycle, from rain to waterbody, streams, plants, animals, humans …. Only in the high space of our atmosphere, when the earthen gravitation declined, the information disappears. This is the great magic of water.
Faeces and urine can only be processed successfully in the top soil during a composting process. Keep human manure out of water! It is a crime to inform water with faeces!
I will describe what I have learned and experienced about this information process.
For me divining has opened the door to discover the health effects of informatively waves. Those frequencies often named as EMR (electromagnetic radiation) have regulatory functions in the life of plants, animals and humans.
In the English publications we find only very few information about divining. The reason may be that more than 1000 years ago the church has forbidden divining and only allowed divining for finding water. This limitation sticks still on in the mind of many people.
I will describe my personal approach and my experience. May it help to understand how informative waves regulate our wellbeing and health and how we can explore this world with a wave precise divining-rod.
Discover your subconsciousness. It is called
Radiaestesie comes from the Latin word radius – ray (wave) –
and the Greek word aistanomai – feel.
We – the human family - lost the feeling for the frame the evolution has developed in thousands of years. We ignore the wisdom old human cultures are based on.
In the last two centuries we discovered biological, physical, chemical details. We got powerful tools “to rule the world”. But we got immoderate.
Today we see the results using careless our knowledge. With nuclear power, petroleum for power, chemical fertiliser and pesticides, long persistence plastic products, genetic modified plants, and ignoring life cycles of water and nutrients (healthy soil) …. we destroy our own basic needs!
More and more people are horrified about the future and searching and developing beautiful alternatives. My personal approach is to take care for human’s shit, to design and build diverting-compost-toilets and flush-less urinals to bring our human manure back in nature’s living circle.
What power creates to feel all those beautiful independent alternatives as an united movement. It gives us the feeling for a general escape route.
“What we can’t feel, we are not able to understand.”
Goethe 1749 -1832
Why haven’t we lost the feeling that human manure belongs to earth and not to water, a wisdom known in all old cultures or like modern scientist describe it today: “faecal matter has nothing to do with the water loop, but it does belong to the nutrient loop”.
Why haven’t we the feeling to be one part of the whole human family, vibrant connected to and supported from other humans?
Why don’t we suffer with all the people who are in war for our petrol supply in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Nigeria, …?
What weird irrationalism is it to think the “overpopulation”, Dash (ISES) or the Chinese, Russians or Americans, the Poor or the Rich are the problem and not our own “American-Life-Style” of greed that reduce us to a “in a cage running Money Earning Shopping Creature”?
Isn’t it funny that people concentrated to defend their little privileges think to be rational and logic?
Why are most news about violence and not about peace and new ideas to resolve problems?
Every day we feel the power of the sun, but do we really understand that only solar energy is sustainable energy, only solar products (based on plants) and minerals are sustainable products”?
Why are we so afraid to lose the comfort of the petrol-age.
It does not need to be cheaper, more comfortable or provide earnings to start enthusiastic the “change to green”, the change to solar?
During the last century we had two significant periods of enlightenment followed by two terrible world wars.
This time we need to get it.
Feel the Rays (Waves) and Learn Divining Discover your subconsciousness
Everything is swinging and connected, every-thing has its own ray length and hertz frequency. Everything is emitter and receiver of waves. At school we learned about reflection, absorption, breaking of rays. High precise instruments can verify some of them. Humans often are far more sensitive and can discover them far better with simple instruments frequency precise. There are a couple of tools.
My tool - the divining stick -looks like the whiskers of many mammals like cats and dolphins have. In the last 30 years I found not one single person who wanted to learn divining and was not able to get the swing of the divining-stick. Some get it immediately, other need some time and exercise. But, to verify many different ray-patterns is a lifelong training. More we know more questions come up.
A little introduction of “Radiaestesie” shall stimulate to act by yourself. Make your own research. Be led by the principals of the French Revolution:
Don’t trust any authority.
Don’t believe whatever someone tells you.
Test it for yourself.
Waves between 109 and 1011 Hertz – a frequency between light( 1014 ) and acoustic waves (103 ) - have regulatory effects to animals, plants and humans.
Mobil-phones and Bluetooth work in those frequency spectra. Therefor it can’t be difficult to understand that regulatory waves - with very little intensity (10-17watt) can have a huge effect. To compare it with the technical world: Even when the heavy garage door is moved by the heavy electric motor it is the low watt Bluetooth signal that send the order to open or close the door.
More and more experiences show the different effects regulatory frequencies have, disturbing or supporting plants, animals and our own well-being. With radiastesie we may understand and verify better the effects of informative therapies like homeopathy, light-, sound therapies, acupuncture and other approaches, perhaps even precious stone knowledge. With radiastesie we can discover more precisely the defects electric smog ( EMR) create and how to avoid them.
The wave frequencies between 109 and 1011 Hertz manage us subconsciously (automatic reactions work better without conscious perception). Today electromagnetic signal-transmission to the cell-membrane is well researched.
My first experience with divining I made with the age of 5 years. My grandfather showed and “trained” me to find water for our cows.
My second teacher was Professor Eike Hensch from our University for Architectural Design and Town Planning in Hannover and Nienburg Germany. He normally taught technique house installation, but also “geomantic designing, building and living”. He wrote many books about the history, newest researches and his own experiences about divining. Prof. Eike Hensch taught us wave precise diving, showed the effects in the nature and motivated everyone to make own experiences.
My third experience I had when I opened my first own architectural office. A cancer doctor (Dr. Hans A. Nieper - in this time internationally known for his successes) had his office one level above mine. One day he asked me if I had diving experiences. When I said “yes” he looked deep in my eyes and explained: “than I tell you there is no cancer without a certain geologic fault-line under the bedside. Humans can cope with many terrible conditions but are helpless when sleeping on a “bad place” during the sleeping regeneration phase. Find out what are the type of those waves”. This doctor was old and experienced and I young and arrogant. But I was keen to design not only beautiful but also healthy solar houses. It got not out of my mind what Dr. Nieper told me.
For 32 years I look now at the bedside of friends, friends of friends and parents of friends that got cancer to discover those cancer related type wave pattern. Again, and again I found the same type of geologic fault-line without one exception. Till today it is only me and this are not enough samples to call it approved, but for me it is enough to search for people who are willing to make a serious research.
I am shocked about the high amount of people with cancer in New Zealand. It is not enough that I consider the divining results in the houses I design. Therefore, I like to teach basic divining knowledge that more people can check the bedside of people that got cancer and learn how to avoid sleeping on such cancer lines. (don’t understand me wrong, don’t get hysteric, those fault lines don’t create the cancer, but to sleep on them over a long period in combination with other stress factors reduce dramatically our resistance) There are frequencies that have a huge impact of our well-being. Sleeping upon geologic fault lines reduces our immune system.
The techniques of Divining are not just for water.
Every material, every structure emitter their own specific radiation.
The sun sends us light with the frequency around 1014 hertz, the first cosmic biologic window of the earth.
Fortunately, other frequencies like high frequency cosmic radiation are getting absorbed by the magnetic field of our earth.
Light with the frequency of about 1014 hertz make us see,
Acoustic with the frequency of about 103 hertz make us hear.
With the divining-rod we get information about gigahertz radiation (between 109 and 1011 hertz) (second cosmic biologic window). In my opinion was it Wilhelm Reich who discovered 70 years ago that there is another energy that connect us to the cosmic waves. He named it "orgone energy" or life energy. Our subconsciousness, smart phones, Bluetooth work in this frequency spectrum. Let us transfer in our mind the concept of the earthen biologic windows to the relation – to the windows - between technical transmitter (sender) towards regulatory functions in plants, animals and humans. The health risk is obvious but widely ignored. And the few who recognize the health risk are often focused on quantities and not on qualities. But, the precise frequency determinate the window and therefor the effect the technical emitter has to our body functions as receiver.
What we call waves is a two-dimensional simplification. In reality those waves are spirals with a right or a left spin and this is fundamental important.
It is well approved that wild animals like rabbit poo on crossing points of left circular water lines. Those spots are known as good composting places. Insects like bees and ants love such spots. But it is known that such spots are not healthy for us humans.
Today we see a lot of modern illnesses, nearly not known or not known in this extend in the past, (auto immune, Alzheimer, Parkinson, …) The doctors struggle to find out where they are coming from.
I have not studied medicine. But all my work life long I was interested to find out what are the needs for healthy homes.
We are not adopted to all those chemical products in the evolutionary process. We are not adopted to those modern wave emitters.
Today’s medicine is concentrated to infections sometimes to a paranoid extend. We stopped to use human urine for hygienically reason. But is this right? For thousands of years we are used to use our urine for our own food production. Urine therapy seemed to work well. May urine as fertilizer in our own garden be of some significant to keep our immune system in balance? (in contrast: even the old testament described very well how carefully we should handle faeces)
In the last decades the industrialised countries learned the bad effects of the chemical and biological pollution for our streams and rivers. But, what do we really know about the effects of shit informed water? The dilution of pollution is for sure not the solution. The homeopath works successfully with dilution. The informative character of water is approved. “Even after best treatment the waste water effluent should not release into water” is old Maori wisdom (Waitangi Tribunal court case 1978)
Divining opens our mind to our subconsciousness. A lot of our evolutionary wisdom is stored at this place. May it help us to get additional information to find the right way we need in this ultrafast developing world.
Everyone can learn divining.
After short introduction everyone can find the unhealthy and healthy sleeping places, good places for water and food storage, good work places … .
Divining is a good tool for architects and doctors.
Some trees and animals “hate” other “love” specific radiations. Divining is a tool for landscaper.
Many old cities are designed along geomantic lines. Divining is a tool for town-planner.
Learning divining will develop an awareness of what nature is telling us about the unseen forces and hear about old building knowledge.
In a divining course of some days everyone can learn the basics:
But, like every knowledge we learn it must be done accurate and precise, so that it is repeatable, and the effects shown graspable and recorded.
I am quite happy to run courses for small groups.
During a first workshop I like to train:
- “Find the underground water flow (on the divining rod KR50 marked on the yang wing as No.8 blue) around the house, three tips announcement-centre-announcement.”
- Follow the centre lines (on the diving rod KR50 marked on the Yang wing as No.1 green) and mark them on a copy of your site-plan.
- Find the geologic fault-lines around the house (on the diving rod KR 50 marked on the Yang wing as No.7 black) and draw them on a copy of your site-plan.
- Search them inside your house and mark them on a copy of your house-plan.
*Take care that you don’t move directly on top of a water or geologic fault-line. This may confuse you.)
In a second course everyone can learn
- Measure intensity of underground water lines
- Differentiate left and right circular spin
- Find good places for learning, working, water storage,
communication, compost places … .
- evaluate distance
- find deepness of underground water streams
- Find underground power cable
- Find bad sleeping places
Discover places with good spirit