A Cry for Love and Peace

We have better things to do than killing each other

A People’s New World Order

Clean water, food, health, and a proper shelter for everyone!

Dear friends,

please read the attached concept of the book I am writing. The yellow underlined parts show the photos, sketches and drawings I have to add. This will be the main part of the book and the attached concept the frame for it.

With the help of my editor it is written in American English to address mainly the young Americans.

My intention is a discussion about a social, economic, political strategy for peace and worldwide prosperity, a "People's New World Order".

Please send me your comments and criticism.



Princess Palace at the Busua beach Ghana West Africa Nov. 2022

A cry for love and peace

We have better things to do than killing each other

A People’s New World Order

Clean water, food, health, and a proper shelter for everyone!

In my experience, the biggest problem for billions of people worldwide is the

lack of proper sanitation systems. The lack of toilets, and fecal-contaminated

water sets the stage for diarrhea, malaria, typhus, and other illnesses.

The lack of sanitation is the biggest obstacle to get out of poverty. When one

is ill, there is no strength or energy to work or do anything productive.

Simple proper toilets and clean water for everyone are the most important


See what we have achieved in the last 2 years in Ghana and how we

will realize our goal despite the current global circumstances.

I. Our work in Ghana West-Africa Page

1. Poo- Composting- double chamber toilets 3

2. Urine separation 3

3. Cover material 4

4. Where to build

5. Sitting or squatting

6. Prebuild platforms

7. Wheelie bin toilets 5

8. Feces to topsoil Waste to value

9. Rain water use

10. Grey water use

11. Our little team 6

12. Flushing toilets spread diseases

13. Malaria prevention 7

14. Love in Busua 8

15. The beauty of Busua 9

II. A healthy life for everyone should not be difficult

1. The holy shit 10

2. Centralization or diversity 11

3. Let’s make money 12

4. Small is beautiful

5. My Projects for a sustainable future 1987 - 2008 14

In West- Africa

In Germany 15

6. Smart urinals 17

7. Moving to NZ and the Mangawhai Wastewater Disaster

8. Too Big, Too Powerful, Too Centralized 18

III. A strategy for peace! Build the villages for the children of the future!

1. The weapon industry needs wars 19

2. Walk a mile in the shoes of your enemy 20

3. Build villages for the children of the future 21

4. First step for everyone 22

5. Totalitarianism is on the doorstep 23

6. My very best friends during the war on Covid 24

7. Smash Russia into pieces 25

8. Overcoming the mental colonization

9. Mental slavery is not exclusive for Africans 26

10. A people’s New World Order 27 - 30

I. Our work in Ghana West-Africa 2020 - 2022

Considerable time has passed since our last update about our work in

Ghana. But the projects and the complexity of issues and health challenges

was overwhelming. And then came the United States - NATO / Russian - China war.

After begging for decades from government and charity organizations

unsuccessfully for a little bit of support to help improve the sanitary condition

of billions of poor people, and then seeing immediate expenditure of

hundreds of billions of dollars for war left me paralyzed. We continued our

work, but there was no energy left to inform you, our dear friends and

supporters. Thanks to all the individuals who give a little and help make our

work possible.

Urine separating - poo composting - toilets for everyone

Our Urine Separating - Poo Composting toilets are now well received and

much appreciated by the people who have experienced them.

Our task is to create a private toilet for each family.

The limit to building more toilets is lack of money, plus the challenge of

changing the paradigm. Most poor people see toilets as a luxury, rather than

an essential health item. They don’t understand the correlation between lack

of toilets and the contamination of water supplies.

Dirty contaminated water is the main reason for diarrhea diseases, typhus,

and malarial illnesses and deaths.

In Ghana, 12 of every 100 newborns to 5-yearolds

die (primarily to malaria).

In Europe and New Zealand, only 1 in 100 dies; zero deaths are from malaria.

Toilets, clean water, and fresh nutritious food make the difference in living healthily.

Flies and mosquitoes spread illnesses. Flies sit on feces and then on food.

Feces contaminate wells for water collection.

1 Photo Sketch

In Ghana, no fresh greens are eaten. This is due to the lack of

uncontaminated water. Ghana residents only eat what they can peel (like a

fruit) or cook. “Cook it, peel it or leave it” is a common expression. Fresh

salad is a health risk.

(2. photo of salad with big red X)

Two years ago, we started to build Urine separating - poo composting toilets

in Ghana.

1. Poo- Composting- double chamber toilets

Our double chamber toilets have been proven through two years of practical

experiences. Nearly zero maintenance is needed to keep the toilets hygienic.

We produce two models of toilets:

a. One chamber of our bigger model - used by 14 people, lasts for 2 years.

Then we swap to the second chamber so that the first one has time to convert to proper soil.

3. Sketch Photo funnel

b. The smaller toilet lasts one year for a family of 6.

4. Sketch design 5. 6. photos of both models

2. Human urine is a hygienic fertilizer

Fertilizer is needed for proper growing of crops, but for the poor, fertilizer is

too expensive to buy.

The value of urine as hygienic fertilizer has been scientifically well proven for

decades. However, governments and big business ignore these facts. The

use of urine as fertilizer is mostly unknown by the common people.

7. Prof. Ralf Otterpohl Waste water congress 2001 HH 3 pages

We are testing the most effective ways:

to use urine as fertilizer in Ghana.

- how to collect and store urine.

- the best period to apply,

- the ratio to dilute before applying,

- how to add urine to compost and build up topsoil.

Even in cases when we currently can’t use the urine for farming or industrial

purposes, the separation is important for composting the feces.

7. https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/01/human-urine-could-be-aneffective-


3. Cover material

A handful of cover material after each deposit ensures that no flies can sit on

the feces. The best cover material is 50% topsoil with 50% sawdust or other

crushed organic material. This mixture supports hot composting for fast

breakdown, and the elimination of pathogens.

8. Photo cover material.

Care must be taken that the removal door is carefully closed so that no flies

can enter.

4. Where to build?

Our first toilets were built away from the house as people were worried about

odors. With the urine separating and poo covering, our toilets do not stink at

all. People see that our toilets can be built inside or very near to the house.

And there’s no flies, no odors.

All toilet chambers are built high enough that no water can enter even during

extreme flooding in the rainy season.

5. Squatting or sitting?

Most toilets we build are squatting toilets.

Squatting toilets are little known in the USA, Europe, New Zealand but

doctors who study gut issues know that sitting on a higher toilet strains the

colon and often leads to constipation. Thus, the squat toilets of Asia and

Africa are actually considered more hygienic and healthier. We do raise some

toilets up to be sitting toilets, as they are much appreciated by older folks and

more convenient when ill.

9. photo

6. Pre-built concrete platform

We pre-build concrete platforms including the separating holes. This saves

costs and speeds up the building process.

9. Photo platform production

7. Wheelie bin toilets

Another way we build our Composting Toilets utilizes our urine separating

units. We initially imported the plastic separation units from Germany.

Now we produce them in Accra from galvanized steel that we spray paint.

And we are looking for a stainless-steel option.

Metal work has a long tradition in Africa. With the urine separating units we

are able to build “wheelie bin toilets” similar to the one I build in larger

numbers in New Zealand.

(10. sketch photos)

The time till we need to empty the toilets depends on size and number of

users. A 20-liter bin used by 3 people lasts one week. Regardless of type,

further treatment is needed before using on gardens.

11. Photo and sketch toilets build for Amira - Joe / Joy - Hans

60-liter 2 people 2 month

Our specially-designed urine separating units are the essential key to mass

manufacturing compost-toilets for homes in the densely populated city area.

These units will massively improve public and private sanitation. We are

continually working to expand the processing on a bigger scale so that we

can help more people.

On return to New Zealand, I took some metal-urine separation units with me

to help locals there who want to build their own compost toilets.

12. Photo separation units

8. Feces to topsoil Waste to value

In Ghana, the first toilets that finished composting were shoveled out and

seeds sown. The prolific tomatoes that were produced delighted and amazed

the people. Instead of feces creating illness, well composted feces became

highly valued topsoil to grow tomatoes and other vegetables.

13. Photo tomatoes growing on poo compost

9. Rain water use

We have now started to install roof gutters to collect and store rainwater. We

are working carefully so that we do not create a breeding ground for


We consistently monitor the water quality. We find that rainwater is easier to

bring to a hygienic drinkable standard than well water (which is often

contaminated by feces).

10. Greywater from bath and kitchen

Greywater from shower and kitchen can create open water surfaces, the ideal

breeding ground for malaria transmitting mosquitoes.

Gutters installed during colonial time (and still the standard today for

managing greywater and rainwater) are the main spreaders of malaria. We

call those gutters “5 Star Mosquito Hotels”. Water remains in the concrete

gutters beyond 5 days and creates the breeding ground for the mosquito

larva because of water remaining in the concrete gutters.

14. photo gutter

Traditionally, Ghana people poured bath and washing water outside. They

scratched the courtyard surface with brooms made from sticks, which

encouraged water to quickly drain away. Water absorbed, and the surfaced

dried out, thus killing any eggs laid by mosquitoes.

Greywater can be used safely to water plants when using non-toxic soap. We

have started underground trickle-down release of grey water into planter

boxes to avoid breeding grounds for mosquitos. We grow flowers that repel

mosquitoes such as lavender, marigolds, pelargonium and scented

geraniums, catmint, bee balm, and mints as well as fruits like passionfruit that

we like to eat.

15. Photo: Growing passion fruit at Princess Palace in Busua.

11. Our Ghana team

We now have two well trained practitioners who build, and maintain toilets,

and fix any issues that arise. They also share knowledge about malarial


- In Accra, Faisel is our man. He is an African dancer, drummer, and carving

artist. He runs a shop at an art and craft market in Accra. The market is a

good opportunity for spreading knowledge about the urine separating poo

composting toilets.

16. Photo Faisel Photo Market carved timber urinal

Joseph is a mason living with his family in Busua. He is not only a very

talented hand craft man but likes to study how to improve the health condition

for Busua and other villages.

17 Photo Joseph at work

Our team is working to urge Government to organize workshops on how to

build Urine separation Poo composting toilets. The mayor (assembly man)

of Busua is supporting us as much as possible.

12. Flushing toilets spread diseases

In the beginning, the flushing toilet was believed to be a health improvement.

But in Ghana, building a proper pipework to a wastewater treatment plant is a

technical illusion dream of Western World Trained Civil Engineers who never

experienced tropical rain.

Only hotels and a few businesses are able to cover the costs for

controlled well water purification and wastewater treatment suitable for

showering. For drinking water, the hotels use bottled water like everyone else,

a very expensive solution for the poor and a dreadful one for the planet.

The amount of flushing water for these toilets - if used for everyone –

would exceed the available ground water in the dry season.

Remember: 86% of Ghana people have NO toilet facility. At all.

The common system used by 14% of the people with toilets is the so- called

Biodigester. The Biodigester is a flushing toilet that flushes into a hole in the

ground (like a long drop/outhouse). It is intended to filter the feces through

layers of sand and charcoal. Unfortunately, this filter is not efficient enough

and with the amount of water being added, the bacteria easily find their way

to the next water well that is often only meters away.

18. sketch toilet near water well

In our village Busua, 2 water wells were Typhoid contaminated. Typhoid (aka

Typhoid fever) is a bacterial disease caused by feces-contaminated water

and food. Symptoms include high fever, headaches, abdominal pains with

fatalities in up to 20% of cases. Worldwide, 11-20 million people contract

typhoid (due to lack of sanitary facilities and hygiene).

13. Malaria Prevention

I’ve not met a single Ghanian who never had malaria. For decades, the

Pharma industry abandoned search for a malaria vaccination, as prior

vaccines only created more terrible forms of malaria.

But soon a small pharmaceutical company is on the way to Ghana to test a

malaria vaccination for children. Thus far, this vaccination has only 35%

success rate.

Our approach is to reduce the malaria transmitting mosquitoes. We study

ways to do this, including methods used by countries that managed to get rid

of malaria.

Eighty years ago, my home area north of Hamburg Germany was a malaria

hotspot! Two years ago, China got certified malaria free by the World Health

Organization (WHO).

We started fighting malaria with:

Waste Water Management

Mosquito repellent flowers

mosquito killer light bulbs

medicine that stops the growth of plasmodium in our body

19 Flower photo

Mosquitos do not travel far, not more than 100 m. The breeding time is not

less than 5 days.

19. Sketch circle of plasmodium

We work together in our near neighborhood to avoid open water surfaces so

the mosquitos can’t grow.

20. Photo gutter

21, https://www.gardendesign.com/plants/mosquito-repellent.html


14. Love in Busua

I found my Love. I found my wife in Busua Ghana and she found her

husband. She runs a shop directly at the Beach in Busua. For 18 years she

has operated a place to relax at the beach providing drinks and food. But no

one is forced to order drinks or food to socialize there. Her nickname is

Princess 1. Her friends call her little bamboo shelter and shop “Princess

Palace”. As time passed, I learned the double background of her nickname.

She is the daughter of Otumfuo Baidoo Bonsoe XV. Gahantahene the chief of

the chiefs, the king of the Hunter tribe.

One of her forefathers, Baidoo Bonsoe II (also known as King Esuanke) was

so clever fighting that the Dutch slave traders took his head home to Holland

after they executed him in 1838 in Busua. They beheaded him and took his

skull to a museum to find out more about his magic skills and intelligence.

My wife is also called Princess 1 by the Rastafarians as she provides a

sheltered place and meeting point for the sometimes socially discriminated


The Rasta movement in Ghana has a strong background and is spiritual

based on Reggae music, mainly on the songs of Bob Marley. “One Love.”

“Love and peace and feel all right.” “Walk some steps in the shoes of your

enemy.” For the Rastas, these songs are like the essence of the Bible.

It is very common to get a nickname (like “Princess 1”) that is loudly shouted

out when you meet your friend on the street.

One of our brothers, Markus Marley, broadcasts every Saturday 12.00 Ghana

time (London time) on Radio .... and informs the audience about the reggae

Rasta movement. You can get it on the Internet via Marcus radio. When I

meet Markus on the street, I loudly shout “Radio Marley.” When I meet my

extraordinary fashion designer friend who manufactures shoes in a unique

African design I shout “Rasta shoemaker”.

(20. photo)

They call me “Pee-happy” like my web page on google sites www.pee-happy.

com or “Loop it” like my e-mail Loopitpeehappy@gmail.com. Some even call

me “King Christian”. We will see what nickname evolves next,

22. photo Princess and me

My wife says:

Dance like the wind.

Express the vibes of Bob Marley:

Love and peace and help each other.

By everything you do:

Don’t march like a soldier—

dance it, dance, dance

The beauty of Busua

I like to look at a village with the eyes of a 4-year-old. What the kids like is

also right for me. Busua is an end of the road village accessible with the car

only from the north.

In the south is the Atlantic Ocean. Walking tracks lead to the next villages

east and west. Thus, Busua is nearly traffic free. The streets are full of

people. The streets are made for the humans and not for the cars. Everything

of our daily needs is in walking distance.

22. MAP / sketch Busua

The little kids freely stroll around uncontrolled. The maxim — “To raise a child

needs a whole village” is a reality here. The kids play their games and

observe what adults do. They watch how the fisherman prepares his nets.

How the builder builds a house. How the neighbor prepares food. The kids

have their questions and they ask. All happens in a natural uninterrupted

rhythm. It is a great enjoyment for me to see the uncontrolled spontaneous

happiness and creativity that arises out of it. There is no need to interrupt

their playing and tell them constantly what is right, what is wrong and that it is

time to go to the next appointment. They freely visit friends without having to

ask permission. It may surprise you, dear reader, how it is possible for kids to

be happy without play-station and television.

The destruction starts when the highly motivated kids go to school. To learn

writing and math is important, but the old school teaching is only repetitive.

Rote learning - relying on memorization and repetition - trains one to be a

slave. It breaks the mind and will of the student. Real education fosters

searching for solutions to help determine one’s own destiny and be boss of

your life.

II. A healthy life for everyone should not be difficult

Clean water, food, health, and a proper shelter for everyone should be easy

to achieve in our rich world. When we want to understand why accomplishing

this is so difficult, we need to dig deeper.

1. The hoy shit

What motivated me 47 years ago to get a deeper understanding of “water is

life” was during my Architecture / Development Engineer Studies. We were

studying in groups the proclamation of the famous Austrian painter and

architect “Friedensreich Hundertwasser”:

“The Holy Shit 1975”

Why do I have to give away my shit

in order to poison my environment?

I prefer to keep it and turn it to gold.

Shit turns to soil, to be put on one’s roof

where it becomes meadow, forest and garden.

Shit turns to gold.

It is truly satisfactory, thus becomes richer and richer

The cycle is closed.

There is no more refuse.

Our environment regenerates.

WCs are one of the many dangerous dead-end streets

of our civilization”

“The waste of enormous quantities of pure water to carry off a little bit of shit

and urine. A single two-pound deposit of valuable materials is turned into 50

liters of polluted liquid, poisoning subsoil waters, wells, rivers, lakes, and the

sea. The exhaustion of the soil is multiplied by the loss of vital substances.

The country is impoverished. Artificial fertilizer is no replacement.

Flushing toilet 1,000 grams of shit becomes 50,000 grams of refuse-poison.

Humus toilet 1,000 grams of shit turns to valuable raw material.”

It is like alchemy, turning waste to gold.

The artist and architect “Friedensreich Hundertwasser” is well known in New

Zealand's North by the Hundertwasser Museum in Whangarei and the

Hundertwasser Toilet in Kawakawa where he lived.

23. Photo Hundertwasser Toilet Hundertwasser Museum in Whangarei

Unfortunately, but very typical with the current schizophrenic separatist

authoritarian thinking, the toilet in Kawakawa is a flushing toilet. A beautiful

piece of art but totally contrary to the principles of the man the museum is


The museum published his proclamation “The Holy Shit” but ignored all offers

to build a TRUE Hundertwasser compost toilet.

“Friedensreich Hundertwasser” made his proclamation in 1975, the same

time when America evacuated with difficulties from Vietnam, leaving behind 3

million killed Vietnamese mostly civilians and a with chemical weapon

destroyed country.

Hundertwasser’s proclamation was the focal point of our student’s intellectual

discussion. We explored what is the best development strategy for creating a

peaceful future, and solving real world problems like water - pollution.

2. Centralization or diversity

We discussed whether peace and prosperity can best be achieved by:

a. A centralized system led by a more and more centralized “world

government” and backed by a military superpower so that everyone can be

controlled to behave “correctly”.

b. A decentralized world composed of hundreds of thousands mostly

self-sufficient towns and villages that help each other to grow and learn and

handle the conflicts between brothers and neighbors in a peaceful, respectful

and supportive way.

At that time, some of the students dreamed of a united communistic with

progressively unfolding 5- and 10-year economic plans.

The John F. Kennedy administration actively fought the spread of communist

ideology yet promoted its own very similar centralized system, one that

advocated a worldwide production and trade system:

“Each region specialized on one monocultural agriproduct. North America

corn and wheat grain, France wine, Ghana cacao, Brazilian Soya and so on.

The interdependence would be the pre-condition to secure the world-wide

peace, for sure under the guide of the USA. Countries which do not

cooperate would be denied essential food or seeds.” (Antropolog W.D. Storl *

1942 My American Culture Shock)

The U.S. method also demonstrated ever-increasing military spending

intended to make the U.S. the strongest military power on earth.

My feelings told me that the idea of a centralized world would end up in

endless wars about who will be in power, who will be on the top of the

pyramid. I was convinced the top power ones will push the little conflicts

between brothers and neighbors to civil wars to get control over resources

and climb up the pyramid. More and more centralism will end up in another

period of fascism.

Sketch “The Let’s make money” pyramide

3. The “Let’s Make Money” Regime

But as the years passed, it seemed my feelings about the imminent failure of

centralization appeared to be totally wrong:

In 1990 the Soviet Union collapsed. America was the unchallenged

Super-Power. Francis Fukuyama claimed “The end of history”: One power,

one system, one world government.

The New Economy, promoted 250 years ago by economist Adam Smith in his

main book “The Wealth of Nations” was now dominant:

“Everyone shall only take care for his own interest and it will be for the benefit

of everyone”.

The dominant belief became: “Egoism is altruism”.

The free-market system seemed to be the best one and the only single

dogma needed to secure progress. Everyone has the opportunity to work in a

free way for his happiness. You open a shop, I open a workshop, Peter a bar.

I pay you. You pay me. All is fine.

Since 1990 everyone understood. “Be stingy. Let’s make money”.

Essential services went from being under government control to the free

market system with privatisation of water, waste water, power/ and

public/private partnerships.

4. Small is beautiful

My slogan was and is: “Small is beautiful.” I was inspired by the political

scientist and town-planner from Puerto Rico “Leopold Kohr” who states:

“There seems to be only one cause behind all forms of social misery:


Oversimplified as this may seem, we shall find the idea more easily

acceptable if we consider that bigness or oversize, is just more than just a

social problem.

It appears to be the one and only problem permeating all creation.

Whenever something is wrong, something is too big …

And if a body of a people becomes diseased

with fever of aggression, brutality, collectivism, or mass idiocy.

It is not because it has fallen victim to bad leadership or mental derangement.

It is because human beings, so charming as individuals or in small

aggregations, have been welded into over concentrated units.”

Today we see:

Big Cities are nearly all strangulated by car traffic, life cut into pieces with

separated areas of commerce, production, shopping, administration sleeping,

and entertainment.

Functional cities are a conglomeration of functional villages each with their

own workplaces, culture centers, administration, water-and-energy supply. All

daily needs are in walking/cycling distance.

Big farming has not developed naturally. It was part of a strategic

plan launched by the J.F. Kennedy administration in the early sixties to fight

the spread of communism. It included controls on less developed countries to

abandon their self-catering (subsistence) economy and instead concentrate

on growing only one crop in an industrial way. The U.S. would control seed,

pesticide, and fertilizer production.

Some of our professors revealed how the World Bank and International

Monetary Fund (IMF) actively promoted industrial farming and corporate

investment. And that these same entities refused under any circumstance, to

fund any community cooperatives or self-sufficient endeavors.

This approach has systematically destroyed the small mixed crop family

farming and has forced farmers, regions, and even whole nations to

concentrate on monocultures using gmo seeds provided from US


The over-centralized control has gotten so extreme that some areas have

banned seed saving, and in places like France attempts have been made to

ban home gardens!

Today we see the cascade of problems resulting from the big-farm approach:

Soil degradation. Water pollution. Diversity reduction. Loss of bird species.

Emotional isolation.

The common standard today is a single person or single family living in a

single box fighting alone for money and education. And standing alone

against administration, tax department, pension woes, health cost challenges,

and other inhuman administration hassles, creating endless stress and

frustrations: Please hold the line Please hold the line Please hold the


Leopold Kohr directed us to study:

- “Get a feeling for proportions and sizes”.

Ask yourself:

- “What makes so many old cities so beautiful livable, and why are most new

towns so dysfunctionally inhuman?”

- Create towns where you get your daily needs within walking or cycling


I could not follow the “Let’s make money” mainstream regime. Work, for me,

had to be something to improve life. I grew up in “Dithmarschen”, the world’s

“First Republic of farmers” - north of Hamburg.

The families at the edge of the rough North Sea started building a dike 800

year ago. Dike building needed all participants to take responsibility for their

section, and help each other. When there is a weak part in a dike, all are

under water and drown.

The ancestral way impacted my thinking. I saw too many issues that needed

attention and that would be an enjoyment to fix. I had no interest in losing

energy fighting to stay on the top of the pyramid of flashy architectural


5. My Projects for a sustainable future 1987 - 2008

1987 I founded a “Local Climate and Development Appropriate Design Office”

in Hannover Germany. I leased a property from the city council. The location

was very unique— central in the town on a “Paper Road,” thus lacking

connection to power / water / waste water supply.

I was forced to invent all decentralized autarky (self-sufficiency) with

Photovoltaic, a small wind turbine, and a composting toilet.

Photo my studio in Hannover

We created our “decentralized experiences,” and people passing by

were curious. Some Africans popped in and asked if I would like to come

with them to make suggestions as to what they could do to help their

home village in Africa. This brought me to Guinea Conacry, Tunisia, Senegal, and Ghana.

One part of the job was always to introduce and build compost toilets.

Work in West Africa

23. - 30 Environment Center Hygienic e Solaire in Tambacounda East

Senegal / house design in Barkama Guinea / public toilet in Mankuatze

Ghana, oil plants in Douz Tunesia, one lane bush taxi

1996 On one of the trips I met a very beautiful highly educated pediatrician

from Sicily, South Italy. With our combined backgrounds and skills, we sought

support for our health development sanitary improvement concept.

We asked the “Ministry for Development Help” in Germany and Italy. We asked the

churches. We asked UNICEF. We asked. We asked. We asked. Our proposal

was very simple and clear and all agreed that we could reduce 80% of the

early childhood deaths and dramatically reduce poverty. Research showed

that 30 to 40% of the needed fertilizer for farming / gardens could be replaced

hygienically by human urine.

We only heard “no” or cynical answers:

“Don’t save children's lives in poor countries”

“The world is already overpopulated”

“Provide evidence that the invested money will be doubled, and the profits


The “New Economy Ideology” was in action.

The birth rate is directly related to women’s education and social stability and

not to forced sterilization) (Diplom diplomatic about population grows, Fisher


32, Birth Rate children per woman China 1.7; Germany 1.4, NZ 2.1; Spain

1.3; Japan 1.4, Iran 1.9 / 30 years ago 6.4, Niger 7.4, Kongo 6.0, Afghanistan

5.1, Ghana 3.7 A birth rate of 2.1 is considered to create a stabile population.

Education and social stability is the key to avoid overpopulation.

“Africa is overpopulated” is propaganda! The facts are:

The DR Congo is the size of Western Europe, yet has nearly the same

population as Germany.

Ghana has half the population density of Germany.

Only tiny Ruanda has a population density comparable to Holland, the

highest populated country in Europe.

Seven African countries have a lower population density than New Zealand.

Work in Germany

During the late eighties and nineties, I ran a timber frame house building

company. We built some of the very first passive solar homes and worked on

town-planning projects.

32. some drawings, photos, projects, details,

The plans featured minimized traffic, an emphasis on walkability and cyclability,

and energy / water / waste self-sufficient communities. We

were a team of some of the most ecologically innovative small / medium


One project was the conversion of the former Russian military Headquarter in

Wuensdorf south of Berlin. From the end of the second World War,1945

thousands of Russian officers lived near Berlin East Germany in

Wuensdorf/Zossen. In 1993, Russian troops withdrew without military force

peacefully and voluntarily from Germany.

A group of medium sized companies around the area engaged me to develop

a plan to convert the area of small high-rises (7 level) into a modern living


The vision was to transform the derelict vacated area into an ecological

village with private gardens between high rises. An ice rink and a swimming

pool would exchange their heat / cold to run with a minimum of energy.

33’ Sketch and Photo

The politicians in charge chose to hand over the project to a One Person

Company from Malta instead of our diverse local team.

The corruption was obvious and what followed was a 10-year court case, but

the chance to realize a modern decentralized project was gone.

Another project was the “Marina Cap Hoern” in my home village Schafstedt,

80 km north of Hamburg at the Kiel Canal that connected the North Sea and

Baltic Sea. We wanted to build a hundred houses, each I00% Solar / and

small wind-turbine powered. Our village would use the small stream passing

our village to create hydro-power and organic waste biogas to demonstrate in

this touristic spot different forms of renewable energy. Our plan was to create

a permanent exhibition for the companies in our region working on small size

power plants.

We wanted to have only one connection to the power provider for all the

houses and businesses. This connection would serve as a backup. Any

surplus that we created would go into the power grid.

To be connected to the power grid, not as an individual but as a whole village,

would set a sample. The villages would get 'The Power about their Power".

This set up would initiate a firework of innovations on a local level, bringing

money and work to locals.

34 .35. Kap Hoern

Each section also had a boat jetty that would make it easy for selling to

sailors. The investors were the one who had developed the wind industry for

Germany since the early eighties. They had the experience to realize such a


This model project had overwhelming support from the village, the

community, and the region. Even the minister of economy called it a

Lighthouse project. But no matter what we tried, the government

administration continually blocked our project. We spent 8 years tangled in

bureaucratic nonsense, spending hundreds of thousands of Euros for so

called “possibility studies”. Then the government dropped the bombshell,

passing A new “Development Limitation Obligation law.” This limited small

villages from grow more than 10% in 10 years, thus forcing people to live in

cities. This “law” made the realization of our project impossible. We were

finally forced to give up.

36. Communal Planning Sovereignty

After the Second World War, the “Communal Planning Sovereignty” was

implemented in the German constitution to avoid dictatorial centralized

governance. But the state government found a way to get their power back by

controlling the needed money for infrastructure investment and through

general planning rules like the “Development Limitation Obligation”.

37. A vital lesson on understanding the value of expert’s expertise:

Another curiosity was the so called “possibility studies”: Less developed

regions were eligible to get fundings for infrastructure improvements from the

European Union. This fundings were managed by the state government. The

communities needed to provide so called “possibility studies”.

The communities engaged me as an expert to do this. It was a well-paid job

($NZ 2500/day) and easy for me to evaluate the options and financial risks

with the proper support from the established local companies. The locals, the

communities and other experts found my studies were profound, the best

they ever had seen, but the State Government denied my findings with funny

irrational arguments. It didn’t fit in their agenda.

It is not the experts, those skilled in the field, who determine the response. It

is the government leaders and the big corporates interest behind them that

choose the outcome.

If you believe in conspiracy theories, you could think that there is dark power

behind. The truth is far simpler: The big international infrastructure companies

(power / waste / water management) have a “good connection” to the

government. They block the small is beautiful, effective ecocentric companies

that are working communally, before it gets obvious that the big boy

techniques are coercive, exploitive, and egocentric.

The once innovative “free market” is now under the control of the too big

corporates who have the power to control the politicians and administration

and media, and block innovations.

6. Smart urinals

I invented a Unisex waterless Urinal, and in 2005 got a European design

patent on it. I thought the separate collection of Urine for its use as fertilizer

and for chemical purposes would be the key to start, the game changer.

Separating pee, poo and greywater is the way from “waste to value”.

Without the need to have Government’s permission the urinals would enable

everyone - who had understood Hundertwasser's principles - to immediately

start walking the talk. I as a joiner produced the first 100 urinals by myself out

of timber. Flushless, no smell and beautiful small but the selling was slow, the

work to produce them hard and expensive. I spent all my spare money to

make them produced in very colorful PE (Polyethylene). Both the timber and

the PE urinals are a piece of art and a beauty for every bathroom. I kept the

price down but the sales were not booming like I thought.

Photos 38-40 4 pages Loopit Flyer “The new age of organic sanitation.

We will now sell the last pieces in stock as artwork with

corresponding prices. With partners experienced in trade I would start a new

production. The secret of this unisex flushless urinal is not the material. It is

the form. We can produce them in porcelain, timber, sanitary plastic. As soon

as possible we will start to produce them in stainless steel in Ghana. But all of

this needs an investment we currently do not have.

7. Moving to New Zealand and the Mangawhai Waste Water Disaster

After being my own boss all my work-life I got my first job offer: teaching

young architects in Auckland the principles building “passive solar houses”.

I fell in love with beautiful New Zealand and moved in 2008 to Mangawhai

North Island to run a timber joinery. Once again, I was self-sufficient power

wise with solar panels and a small wind turbine and different composting

flush- and flushless- toilet systems and gravity fed rain-water.

I entered into another wastewater story. Everyone in the village was forced to

close down his On-Site system and had to hook up to the new Communal

Waste Water Treatment Plant. The typical centralized disaster showed up:

inefficient working and cost explosive (supported by special expert’s

“possibility studies”) “from $NZ 17 to 70 million” created a Mangawhai Rate

strike that lasted for years.

I tried all these years to explain to the Council and the rate-strikers that in the

long term the centralized “One Pipe Fit All Liquid '' system will end up in

endless costs and the technical cleaning will be inefficient.

On the other hand: The separate treatment and On-Site processing of Feces

and Pee and Grey-Water would offer a way to change toxic waste to value.

Not only the Council directed by the central government, but also the rate

strikers had an emotional block, unable to think a little bit out of the “One

Pipe Fit All Liquid Waste System”.

The government made a propaganda fight against all forms of On-Site

Systems. But also, the rate strikers fought only the payment of the

dysfunctional centralized Waste Water Treatment but were not able to

discuss seriously alternative Systems.

41 sketch simple waste water

8. Too Big - Too Powerful - Too Centralized

The once innovative market system created too big, too centralized, too

dominant, too powerful corporates and super rich single persons defending

their power by blocking innovations that were against their interest.

The “Let’s make money” regime is collapsing.

I do not talk about the little money everyone needs to make her/his living. I

talk about “The “Let’s Make Money Regime” that dominates all interaction and

was promised to be in benefit of all, the rich and then trickle down to the poor.

“The Let’s Make Money Regime” was quite innovative for some time but not

able to provide a social stabile living for everyone. “The Let’s Make Money

Regime” leads to the concentration of power and blocks all innovations that

benefit the people but are not in big money's interest. Today the concentration

of power and bigness are the roots of distraction:

- Big Pharma is not able to stop Covid but blocks every other approach than

their vaccination

- Big cities, that had been promoted for many decades as the common future

lifestyle, are strangulated by traffic.

- Big concentrated administration puts us in an endless holding pattern

- Big industrial farming destroys soil, water bodies, streams, and healthy local


- big military industry dominates the world in conjunction with

- big mining that destroys water bodies, soil, and air

- big power companies block independent power solutions

- big...

- big ...

The “let’s make money” regime has created a too concentrated, power-fragile world

- a sign that this regime has finished their peak point.

Nothing is certain anymore. Today a Covid lockdown. Tomorrow a computer

virus creates ...., a financial collapse, a long-term power cut, an essential

items delivery cut, a town water cut, a petrol supply shortage, a waste-water

plant blockage, a food supply cut, a waste collection stoppage and always in

the background the big war West against East and trade sanctions against

everyone that does not suit the oligarchies.

III. A strategy for peace! Build the villages for the children of the future!

1. The weapon industry needs wars

The U.S. / Western world is calibrated on war.

The U.S. manufacturing industry produce mainly weapons and ammunition.

U.S. Wikipedia:

The military industry is the core of the existing manufacturing industry in the

U.S. Most of the manufacturing industry revolves around the survival and

development of military industry and its supplies. This part of the industry is

estimated to account for more than 60 percent of the total U.S. manufacturing


Yet the military industry and their politicians demand even more. This

insatiable spending on weapons is the root of destruction.

The war on Vietnam, war on Drugs, war on Russia, war on Terror, war on

Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, war on Taliban, war on Covid and again war on

Russia and now war on China. Not a single war has resolved any problem.

All wars had only reverse effects and created new wars.

These are the wars of “The Big One” to control the assets, oil, gas, coal,

minerals, fertile land. Most dangerous are those oligarchies and countries

who have nothing else to sell than weapons, or the minerals and electronics

to produce them. They need the wars. For them peace is an economic

disaster. Thus, the country’s entire economy is based on the weapon industry.

The WAR Industry is “naturally” interested to create a war between brothers,

but we ordinary people have hardly a reason to start a deadly fight with our


As long as we can live in peace and our language and culture is

respected, who cares living under the regime of Wladimir P. or the regime of Wladimir S.?

I love the Americans, the Europeans, the Russians, the Africans, the

Chinese, the Asians. I love the whole human family. We are an amazing

species. But I am not blind to the ugly side.

I love the free-market competition, the nation and tribe proud of their specific

heritage and the communistic solidarity with the poor. But I am not blind to the

ugly side.

I do not like it when something becomes too big, too exclusive:

- I do not like the exclusive unlimited law of power. The law of power has only

temporary success and ends up in a devastating collapse. It is against the

law of nature. NATURE is based on diversity.

- I do not like the Nazism, feeling superior, denying the life and rights of

Others. I do not like calling another nation, ethnic group, or religion an animal,

like the Vietnamese being called ants and the Russians orcs.

- I do not like the centralized regulations stopping freedom, creativity and


2. Walk a mile in the shoes of your enemy

“Before you criticize someone walk a mile in his shoes” is a very important

proverb. If it is concerns something supporting a war, walk 9 miles.

How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the 8 million people in

East Ukraine who voted for living under Russian law?

How many times have you listened to the western media?

And how many times have you read “Russia today” on the internet?

Let us not be trapped by war propaganda:

- The war maker attracts our support through lies. The bombing of North

Vietnam 1964 started with the “Gulf of Tonkin lie”. Fifty years later, documents

were released from the Pentagon revealing that the US army themselves

attacked their own vessels and not Vietnam.

- 1991 a nurse stated seeing Saddam’s soldiers pulling out babies from the

incubators and smashing them on the floor. With this “information” many

people accepted bombing Iraq. But the story was a lie. The “nurse” was not a

nurse. She was the daughter of the Kuwait ambassador living in Washington.

- The mass destruction weapons that “made it necessary” to bomb Iraq 2003

were never found. But estimated 700,000 Iraqis were killed.

- 15 years earlier (1988) Germany and the U.S. had supplied Saddam with a

high amount of chemical weapon to fight Iran and the Kurds. But in 2003 no

mass destructive weapons were found. Saddam had already used to the last

drop what US and Germany had delivered.

- Who shot the airplane with the President of Ruanda on board that started

the genocide 1994?

- Have the Russian soldiers killed the civilians in Bucha? Who knows? Isn’t it

strange that the victims had white armbands (the sign of Russian


Again and again, we are trapped by lies that catch our emotions,

but are they based on facts or war propaganda lies? Who knows?

What happened before the fight started in Vietnam, Ruanda, Iraq, Yugoslavia,

Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and in the Ukraine?

Let us have a close look who is escalating or deescalating fights between

brothers and neighbors.

These are not our wars! We are only the cannon fodder.

3. Build villages for the children of the future

The strategy of peace can only be built up from the bottom, in the mind of

each single person and on the basis of mainly self-governed villages that help

each other. To get a peaceful mind, rejecting military service or rejecting

working in the weapon industry undermine the power of the war industry.

Getting more independent will not stop them killing but we will grow step by

step alternatives to make our living.

In any case: In an emergency we can’t eat money, guns and tanks. We can

only rely on our nearby surroundings, neighbors, on our village.

34. 100,000 villages

Let us design a neighborhood for the needs of a 4-year-old.

Let us design a village for the needs of a 10-year-old.

For the most of our needs the village is the right size

to design our own destiny.

Let us build up on our local resources a regional economy parallel to the big

global economy. To combine old and new knowledge, techniques and local

materials with consideration of the local climate to build houses will create

beautiful diversity.

Let’s get Self-Sufficient in essentials at a local level: (water, urban gardening,

waste management, housing, energy).

Then we can withstand every crisis just as a healthy body can withstand a

virus infection.

Every family, every village, every region, every nation will look for more self-sufficiency.

Every region is different and has other needs and priorities to build up

independence from the global “let’s make money” regime.

New Zealand has plenty of food, water, even a lot of land for urban gardening

in the big cities but everyone relies on their car. What happens in New

Zealand if we have a petrol supply crash. What can be done to get

independent from the car for the daily needs?

Local small and organic farming like raw milk selling is under threat by so

called safety reason. But we need to do what is healthy for us. We have to

take the freedom to be self-responsible.

Busua in Ghana is for the basic needs of relative independence from the car

traffic. Farming and fishing can feed the people. There is a lack of local

vegetables. The main problem is health. Malaria and diarrhea caused by lack

of sanitary systems.

4. First steps everyone should do:

Power: In 1989, when I build my first only solar and wind powered studio it

was tricky. But today it is easy to stay on the grid and start your own power

supply. The power needed for light and electronic devises are minimal. A

small parallel 240 V Solar / Wind system is affordable and with little money

easy to install. When we start it, we learn how to do it and we will get step by

step independent. To me this is a duty for every family and a good start for


36 Sketch plug in starter package 37 advanced incl. fridge

Water: Collecting and storing rain-water is common in New Zealand and

works very well. Other regions will need good filters but they exist.

37 Sketch overflow self-cleaning 38 photo Water tank

“Waste”- Water: With our unisex, fleshless urinals everyone in the

developed countries can save up to 30% of his / her fresh-water

consumption. This can be done living even in a high rise. Collecting the urine

separately and using it as perfect fertilizer or chemical purposes is easier

than you may think and once the value is considered we have something to


Sketch unisex photos compost toilet worm digester

Plastic: Separating and understanding the different sorts of plastic will not

only teach us the madness of the chemical industry but we will learn that

there is plastic we can burn; others are high toxic to burn and so on...

Health: Asking not only the doctors but also other patients with similar

symptoms has always been very helpful for me. Not only pills. Especially for

chronic diseases it is more important to change the life style and the food we


Growing food is not only for saving money, is not only to be prepared for an

emergency. It is for mental health, getting awareness of the magic of nature,

recognizing the growing from a tiny little seed to a big plant, getting aware of

the vulnerable relying of water and fertilizer. Planting different crops that

support each other, growing and pulling weeds is a more realistic learning

than playing on a play station the software imagination of an IT specialist. In a

video game you can start again even you were shot. The real life is different.

You will learn a different risk management. Your actions have consequences.

Preserving food, canning, freezing, dehydrating, fermenting is a far deeper

learning than abstract learning of chemistry and biology.

We need to overcome the separation of thinking and feeling that is based on

the separation of us and the environment.

Village building Let us get Power, Waste, Water under village control and

create a healthy environment.

For example. To fight malaria needs the whole village. Only when everyone in

the area is malaria free we get rid of this disease in long term.

Help each other

Build up your village and help other villages to get more self-sufficient. The

people in Cuba have learned out of necessity Urban Gardening. Now with 30

years of experience there are a lot of experts. The two million Habitans of the

capital La Habana grow 70 % of their food organically in the town. May the

Cubans not only send their doctors into the world but also their experts

teaching to grow urban local food using local resources.

5. Totalitarianism is on the doorstep

The big one will not easily give up. For the little coups* and regime

changes totalitarianism was not needed.

39 *(like 1953 in Persia, 1965 in Indonesia, Guatemala, 9/11 1973 Chile)

For a big conflict with another big one the big power must be sure that the

homeland is in support, and opposition must be subdued.

“Totalitarianism only works when the (normal) mass of people get in fear and

accept the war propaganda.” And the mass accepts the offered Scapegoat.

Fascism starts if this becomes a mass movement, pushed by the main

stream media. The fact that some people are idiots and buy into the

propaganda is not a problem. But all gets dangerous if this movement gets

big and the mass of the people accept the indoctrination.

To get an understanding of this danger I recommend you read:

- Wilhelm Reich 1897 - 1957) Mass psychology of the fascism / People in


- Howard Zinn 1922 - 2010 US Historian A People’s History of the United


- Hannah Arendt (1905 Hannover Germany-1975 New York ,

political philosopher, Holocaust survivor” the origin of totalitarianism” “Banality

of the evil)

Totalitarianism starts with the impossibility of a controversial discussion.

Totalitarianism is based on fear. It stops all rational thinking. Democracy and

peace finish without open controversial dispute. A brutal dictator is terrible,

but not fascism. Fascism is a mass movement!

It starts if the war-propaganda affects otherwise normal people. Rational

dispute stops. An opponent is not considered as a human being, and the

opposition, a religious or ethnic group is the scapegoat. Be aware when the

opponents or enemies are described as animals (or even less). The

Vietnamese were ants, the Russians are orcs.

6. My very best friends and the war on Covid vaccination

During my town planning studies 45 years ago we got taught how to avoid

and manage a pandemic. It was mainly the waste water pipes that made

Europe cholera free and not the vaccination.

My point of view was very clear in the early beginning of Covid in March

2020: Covid is a very fast mutating flu illness. Vaccination and social distance

will not stop it. The main job is to improve our immune system and learn to

live with Covid.

When I told my opinion too many of my friends closed any contact with me.

“Christian you are insane”, “Refusing to be vaccinated and staying in

circulation is about the most selfish action anyone can take” were typical

answers. And far too many: “Never talk again with me”

The continuously repeated mantra had done the job.

Today, one year later, Covid has spread, yet the same people paranoid about

the virus travel to visit their relatives and friends. The “Shock Strategy”

(Naomi Klein Journalist New York) worked.

Politicians, media, pharma companies and their “experts” have not seriously

informed us about the real risks of the virus and the vaccination. Instead, they

painted an apocalyptic picture: A fast spreading virus would kill everyone

infected, creating a mass destruction like Saddam’s weapon (that has never

been found.) This Shock strategy… “is the brute tactic of systematically using

the public’s disorientation following a collective shock to push through radical

pro-corporate measures,” The only discussion allowed during the Covid pandemic

was reduced to the number of vaccination and boosters and degree of required

social distance and masks and mandates. The threat of yet another lock up was

always in the background.

The tragedy is the total ban of debate and the total lack of attention paid to

strengthening the immune system and creating healthier lifestyles.

“Diseases are attributed to the effects of the interaction of many variables in the

individual and his environment. However, beginning with the investigation of Pasteur and Koch,

the doctrine of specific etiology emerged, according to which a disease is caused by a

specific factor, e.g., a bacterium or a virus or a hormonal deficiency. “Modern” medicine is

based on this mechanistic viewpoint.” Wilhelm Reich “The Cancer Biopathy”

7. Smash Russia into pieces

Like the unquestionable daily repeated mantra: “The vaccine is sure and

safe,” we have a new unquestionable mantra: “Russia has invaded

unprovoked into the Ukraine. We have to smash Russia into pieces.”

The NATO / Russian War in the Ukraine seemed to follow the script of

the US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski “The grand chessboard

Geostrategic imperative”. This book was first published in 1997 and

concluded that a big East - West war-fight is unavoidable to keep the United

States in power. And that this has to start in the Ukraine in order to get the

Caucasian countries, and furthermore the Asian countries Uzbekistan and

Tadzhikistan, and their resources under United States control.

We the people of the western world are the last ones that have the moral right

to blame Putin’s attack on the Ukraine. We are supporting / tolerating so

many wars our governments started and continue.

2003 Iraq estimated 700,000 civilians bombed to death, 2011 Libya, Yemen,

Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria to name only a few.

Since 2004, the United States spent 5 billion USD supporting the regime

change in the Ukraine (stated Victoria Nulans, U.S. Government vice minister

for external affairs and Peter Scholl–Latour, French German war journalist).

We the people in the west have the duty to cry for peace: No more weapons!

8 Africa is overcoming the mental colonization

When Patrice Lumumba was assassinated 1961 to secure U.S. mining

interest in the Congo, it created a lasting trauma. Since then, every politician

in Africa knows what will happen to him if colonial interest.

40 Partial list of assassinated presidents in Africa and South America - P. Lumumba,

Salvador Allende 11 Sep. 1973 [ the other 9/11, M. Gadafi 2011,

John Magufuli 1959 - 2021 President of Tanzania opposing Covid vaccination...)

Big mining and Agri companies extracting the vast richness of Africa spend money

for weapons to the Governments but no money for education, health and infrastructure.

Are the corporate interests afraid that healthy educated Africans like Patricia Lumumba

would create an African “Vietnam”?

The Congo is so rich in minerals and other resources that I realized:

“Who rules the Congo rules the world. The uranium used in the bomb at Nagasaki and

Hiroshima was mined from the Congo. Coltan mineral essential for the weapon industry

and in electronics and mobile phones, is mined mainly in the Congo.

All of Africa contains a wealth of natural resources including coffee, cacao, peanuts, sugar,

salt, precious diamonds, and minerals including silver, gold, iron, uranium, copper, cobalt,

plus tropical woods and fruits, Recent discoveries of petroleum reserves have intensified

pressure on Africa as a to-be-exploited ‘resource.’

The new Eldorado of agro-industrial multinationals:

“Entitled “Land Matrix Analytical Report II: International Land Deals for Agriculture,”

the report which was published on October 11 and studies the 2000-2016 period states

that Africa is the continent most impacted by land deals.

With 40 agreements for a million hectares of its lands, Ethiopia comes first in Africa and

7th worldwide. It is followed by Ghana with about 800,000 ha, South Sudan and Morocco

with about 750,000 ha each. DR Congo comes last with close to 750,000 ha of agricultural

lands subject to investment deals.

Indonesia, with more than 3 million hectares of arable lands sold, leads the global ranking.

The report which provides a global view land (agricultural) deals in Africa and worldwide

confirms concerns of observers of Africa being the new Eldorado of agro-industrial multinationals.

Indeed, 11 out of 20 countries that sell their lands the most are African.”


Michel Chossudovsky (1946 Prof. economy in Ottawa), “The Globalization of

Poverty. Impacts of IMF and World Banks Reforms” 1997


Special thanks to the backbone and intelligence of Ghana’s first President

Kwame Nkrumah and the late Jerry Rawling. Ghana is the most peaceful

country I ever visited. About 50 active spoken different languages and tribes

interact, extraordinarily respectful with each other.

9. Mental slavery is not exclusive for Africans

We in the western world tolerated the increasing centralization. It happened

subtly and progressively, surrounded by repeated messages of fear. And

step by step we gave up ruling our village destiny.

We accepted the rulings from the central government, and the non-elected

world organizations (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health

Organization—organizations all driven in the interests of the super-rich.

It is they who ultimately make decisions that affect us all.

The use of Monsanto roundup for example on our public lands. The use of

aerially spreading 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate baits) across our forests and

even up to 20 meters of schools. Control has been wrestled away from our

locally elected councils and put under control of other non-elected entities.

The outcome was that today decisions are only made in benefit of the

big corporations. Their highly paid experts come always to the only one solution.

Modern innovations considering the diverse local conditions are impossible to test.

Today, rich single people have more power than governments of even big

nations. Single rich people own the media and are able to transmit the illusion

that they are philanthropes (friends of humans) even if they are greedy pedophiles.

Is the only difference to Africa that good western politicians are killed by the

media and not by guns?

Is there any chance for a party politician in the United States, New Zealand,

and Europe to actually, do what they promised us when we elected them.

Since the Second world war, the world financial trading system was based

on the U.S. Dollar. This financial system is now falling apart. Now many

countries are using other currencies for their trade. Russia and India, for

example, use rubles as payments. Saudi Arabia accepts the Chinese Yuan.

The eastern countries (primarily India and China) have already overtaken the

main industrial production of useful (non-military) products.

Russia is by far the largest country in the world and possesses with Africa the

richest resources. And Russia has the resources to defend its interests. The

world is no longer in the hands of only the United States oligarchies that can

organize every “regime change” they like.

10. A People’s New World Order

The oligarchies worldwide and their political puppets will be forced to

recognize what we have learned during the last 60 years in our families.

There is no longer one patriarch in the family, with the wife and children

having to obey. There is no longer one king in the village and all others are

slaves. We are all unique individuals. We have to respect the differences between

cultures and points of view. All deserve to be heard and their disparate views respected.

We, the people of the world, must get out of the slave mentality and no longer

be only complaining observers. We must all stop being only the passive

victims of the big oligarchies, whose big game is to defend or climb up the

pyramid ladder.

We will accomplish this by creating A People’s New World Order”.

Let us take care for human and nature’s needs. Let’s clean up the mess that the

“Let’s make money” regime has created mentally, socially, and environmentally.

Let’s help each other serve human needs: clean water, healthy food, a proper shelter,

understanding the circles of life; a peaceful environment for everyone.

Like in the small scale of a family, neighborhood, and village, the same principles

of helping each other apply at the larger geopolitical level.

Human societies in Europe, America, Asia, Russia are unique, each with a different history.

Every nation has to find their way and needs, their time to

live in peace and prosper.

Only with respect to all the different “systems / regimes” will we have a peaceful future.

The Western “Party Democracy” (competition between political parties) is not the only option.

The common people can participate in designing their future in very different ways.

There is a good side of free market competition, a good side of nationalism

and a good side of communism, but each has also a very ugly side. There is

not one black and one white. The whole of nature is diverse, acting in circles,

influencing each other. Scientifically precise in spirals, a circle that changes slower or faster

with each circle. Like the stars circling around each other, the forces of nature - minerals,

fauna, flora, and microbiome circle in continuously changing spiral movements around each other.

This fascinating principle of nature is seldom understood. Instead, we search for simple

dualistic mechanical explanations.

Believing in one single cause, and one single effect divides life into good and bad and sets

the stage for conflict and war.

This dualistic view makes it impossible to understand the interconnecting circles of life.

Dualistic thinking prevents us from understanding why something in one situation can be

beneficial and the same thing in another situation destructive.

Life needs balance. Too much of a good thing, even fertilizer for plants can kill if overdone.

Also, the human society is a living organism and can only be pressed temporarily in one

ideologic system. We will no longer be trapped in oligarchy’s war propaganda that we the people

in the western world are the humanistic, liberal, civil good ones and the eastern world is the

autocratic, dictatorial bad one.

Only we in the western world, mainly the young one in United States and

Europe can stop the war-regime. This is possible if we recognize that we will

be only the cannon fodder for big money’s geostrategic interest.

There will emerge a new generation. Instead of “be good at school', “get a

well-paid job” and “let’s make money” they will feel that resolving real

problems and helping each other is the more enjoyable way to live.

The young generation will stop the war regime like my generation helped to

stop the war in Vietnam 50 years ago.

The current “World Order” is collapsing. We must not be the victims of the change.

We are able to build “A People’s New World Order” and help each other to live a better life.

There are unlimited options to do so.

For me, building composting toilets is the key to change the health system for

2 billion people. Building a proper sanity system in places where they are

missing. And keeping water clean. This system also creates essential

fertilizer for productive farming. Waste Becomes Value. This approach is the

key for wellbeing and faming success for the poor of the world.

Sketch Network of life circle

We can ask for support from the rich western countries, from WHO, from the

IMF, but this would only end up in endless bureaucratic nonsense. We must go smaller,

to our local electors, our neighbors, our friends.

We will ask the government in Ghana. The mayor of Busua is already supporting us

but he has very limited administrative rights and no budget.

Thus, we ask for your individual support. Let’s all give it a go and make this happen.

Realistically we have to base on our own power. We must overcome the

slave mentality that we the people cannot change anything. We can’t wait to

first have money and power before making change.

By working together. we can make everything happen, and set examples for

others. The first steps are always difficult. But as we gain experience, all

becomes easier, step by step.

There are a lot of possible business activities in Busua.

Mr. Donko www.citronellafarm.com a farmer in Busua has already started to

grow citronella in larger scale and is searching for business partner to

process and distribute it. We started to grow Artemisia.

We will continue…

- to build toilets.

- to show how to use human urine to grow food.

- to use grey water to grow

- to keep water clean

- to fight malaria, plant Artemisia and provide the tea, ...

- to plant flowers that repel mosquitos (link)

- to make the life for the mosquitos uncomfortable

- to test medication to fight growing plasmodium.

Support us:

Send your daughters and sons to us in Busua West Africa to learn to create a

society of Love and Peace and Helping Each Other. I am happy to teach

them proper architectural, town and rural development and product design, I

am happy to share everything I learned during the last 45 years and what we

will now learn together.

Other ways to help:

Send to: Faisel Ali P.O. Box 6718 Accra North Ghana West Africa

your old laptop, I-pad, notebook, or mobile phone

Send us a microscope to study the mosquito eggs 1:2000 or higher

Send us seeds for gardens and growing mosquito repellent plants

Share your self-sufficiency experiences with us.

Donate dollars big or small.

Even little money can make big change:

Two hundred dollars (NZD) provides materials for a toilet for one family.

Three thousand dollars builds toilets for a school of 500 children.

(The family provides the labor).

Wise Bank Account holder Christian Simon

New Zealand: 02-1290-0757531-00

US: Wise 19 W 24th Street New York NY 10010

Routing number 084009519 Account number 9600000000625152

Euro: Avenue Luise 54 Brussels 1050 Belgium

BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE52 9671 7087 9509

UK: Transfer Wise 56 Shoreditch High Streat London

Sort Code 23-14-70 Account No. 51985026

IBAN GB 16TRWI 2314 7051 9850 26

Paypal Loopitpeehappy@gmail.com

Or “Give a little:
