
Polish flag and coat of arms of Jeżewo

Our school building

Students form our national flag - White and Red, as we call it

The present school building dates back to 1938. The building houses spacious classrooms, computer labs, a library, day care room, school canteen, regional corner, school counsellor’s office, speech therapist’s office, tuck shop. The school has also got a new gym

“Szkola Podstwowa im. Adama Mickiewicza " is the official name of our school in Polish. The school combines: kindergarten and primary school. There are about 400 students altogether and 53 teachers

The school in Jeżewo is a kind of culture centre for the residents of our community because students and teachers get involved into many activities aimed at local community

Jeżewo – is a rural community located in the northern part of kujawsko-pomorskie province, in Świecie county. The first known historical records about Jeżewo go back to 1293

There are about 8000 inhabitants in Jeżewo community. The community is located on the verge of Tuchola Woods (Bory Tucholskie). In the vicinity there is a Stelchno lake which becomes the destination of many holidaymakers in the summer due to its crystal clear water.

The most interesting historic building is the baroque church with its altar and famous Herman Han painting

There are also some places of interest in the area of our community. That is the Teutonic knights castle in Świecie, Saint Adalbert stone in Leosia and the palace in Rulewo.

The closest cities are Bydgoszcz and Toruń – they are located within 60 km from Jeżewo. Toruń is the old city with its gothic architecture. It is famous worldwide. Nicholas Copernicus was born here, so you can see the house he was born as well as his monument in the main city square.

Bydgoszcz is the capital of our province. Places of interest are: the watermill island (Wyspa Młyńska), the opera house (Opera Nowa), philharmonic hall.

Our school website