LLT in March 2019- ITALY

Renewable energies - wind, sea waves, sun, rivers

Look after nature and nature will look after.wmv

Getting in touch with our local recycling company.

It gives us information on how to recycle our waste.

We understand that if we take care to separate waste we can contribute to save our town, land, planet.

We want to contribute in cleaning the natural environment.

We invented a story and something for growing vegetables at home. In our town urbanization is more and more growing .

We immagined to be a little red tomato that had a dream.

He wanted to grow on the top of a tree.

We wanted to help him to realize his dream so we made a strange tree for him. Look at our presentation in ppt.

Rifiuti Urbani.pdf

Teachers helped us to consider about the amount of waste we produce at home in a week.

We draw a graphic pie. we thought what can we do to reduce waste at home.

Today, 15th March 2019, our school joins to Fridays future event.

Our noise participation for helping planet and tell the adults that Earth needs our help now.

Video da parte di Rosa Merolla

From 26th to 29th our partner arrived in our school. We shared some of our works with them and showed some places of our beautiful nature.

Some happy moments we passed with our families