LTT in Romania Virtual mobility

13- 16 April 2021

Erasmus-Mobility-Programme.Romania.Recycling(10) (2).pdf


Breaking News.MTS
Erasmus+ Diary (1).pdf
Erasmus+ Diary (english) (1).pdf

Dear friends ,

Last year we extended our project hoping for better time later on. We were mistaken and wrong - the Covid pandemic is still here with us and we have to carry on in such difficult conditions.

When I realised that our meeting to Romania was to be done in a virtual way I became very sceptical and disappointed. I couldn’t imagine making a trip online. So I was very disappointed. How can one make a zoom meeting for more than 100 people and control it ? I didn’t believe it may work out

But i have to say i was absolutely wrong and my anticipation wasn’t right.

After the first day of this visit when we broke the ice and had a virtual tour of Romania and Bucharest i knew it would be just great. Exploring wonderful landmarks of Romania and places in Bucharest was a great experience.

The next days brought lots of arts and craft activities and students could show their creativity and imagination. They were able to make something useful out of rubbish we usually throw away or recycle. They had a chance to share their work and improve their language skills and become more self confident in terms of their language skills.

I loved the rubbish drama day when all partners presented their dramas, films, online games, each of partners did a great job making these dramas in difficult Covid times. Nothing can stop us from doing things and even in these conditions we were able to be successful.

Everything that we are doing in this project is simply making small steps towards cleaner and safer world. Small steps of each of us multiplied by hundreds of students , parents and teachers will make a very big step to make our world better. That’s the great achievement of this project not to mention friendship and international cooperation.

Let me thank you all for your hard work and special thanks to Anca , the coordinator, Cristina Stancu, our speaker and just to all our Romanian friends for their arrangements and creative approach for this virtual meeting. Great thanks for the lovely final video clip showing this week in a nutshell

Multumesc Romania

Obrigado Portugal

Grazie Italy

Merci grazie Malta

Благодаря Bulgaria

Dziekuję Polska

Thank you for this lovely week in Romania and I already can’t wait to meet you again during the next and last virtual meeting in Poland. It was an amazing experience. Things can be done even though they might seem impossible. Creativity has no limits 😊👍