
PGY-1: AMA, IHI, & EMSono


Log in to the AMA GME Competency Education Program & complete the following modules:

  • Anatomy of a Lawsuit

  • Building the Patient-Physician Relationship

  • Coding and Documentation for Resident Physicians

  • Conflicts of Interest Issues

  • Creating an Effective and Respectful Learning Environment

  • Cultural Competency

  • Health Care Quality:Measuring Physician Performance

  • Introduction to Health Insurance

  • Managing Unconscious Bias

  • Physician Health: Physicians Caring for Ourselves

  • Resident Intimidation

  • Residents as Teachers

  • Sleep Deprivation: Your Life and Your Work

  • Thriving Through Residency: the Resilient Resident

  • Using Tools to Form and Action Plan for Wellness

  • Working Effectively within an Interprofessional Team

Please complete all of the above AMA Modules before November 1.


1. Enroll in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School for Health Professions

2. Enroll and complete the following modules:

  • PS 101: Introduction to Patient Safety

  • PS 102: From Error to Harm

  • PS 103: Human Factors and Safety

  • PS 104: Teamwork and Communication

  • PS 105:Responding to Adverse Events

  • TA 101: Introduction to the Triple Aim for Populations

  • TA 102: Improving Healthy Equity

Please complete all of the above IHI Modules by the end of PGY1 (June 30th).


(EMSono): Please complete all of the modules by the End of PGY-1 (June 30th).

Remember that these count towards your asynchronous conference credit!

PGY-2 & 3:

Register for ALIEMU

Note: When you register, add LLUEM after your name (e.g. Smith LLUEM) so that we can track your completion.

(max asynchronous conference credit ~48 hours/year)