
Elective Name: Medical Toxicology

Elective Mentor: Dr. Brian Wolk

Elective Location: LLUMC

Elective Duration: 2 or 4 weeks

Elective Description: Medical toxicology is a clinical specialty that includes the monitoring, prevention, evaluation and treatment of injury and illness due to occupational and environmental exposures, pharmaceutical agents, as well as intentional & unintentional poisoning in all age groups.

Educational Goals:

● Become comfortable initiating the evaluation and management of intoxicated/poisoned patients

● Improve understanding of pharmacology/toxicology of common & dangerous medications that may cause harm to patients

● Improve toxicology knowledge as measured by standardized testing

● Evaluate intoxicated/poisoned patients in Emergent and Critical Care settings

● Participate in weekly didactic session to enrich knowledge of various topics

Educational Objectives:

The ACGME competency and sub-­competency domains that will be met by this elective:

Patient Care

● Emergency stabilization

● Performance of focused history and physical exam

● Diagnostic studies

● Diagnosis

● Pharmacotherapy

● Observation and reassessment

● Disposition

● Medical knowledge

● Systems-­based management

● Practice-­based performance improvement

Assessment Tools:

Create and deliver a presentation on a chosen Medical Toxicology topic, Pre/Post-­test

Readings/Resources: Poisoning & Drug Overdose (Lange Clinical Manual): Kent R. Olson, ACEP Toxicology Antidote App, Micromedex, Goldfrank’s Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies; other resources to be provided

Tips for Success:

● Read as much as possible

● Toxidromes often key to management

● Pharmacokinetics ≠ Toxicokinetics

● Understand limitations of common testing

● Understand interventions that may be likely to cause harm; indications and contraindications