Medical Education Innovation

Elective Name:  Laboratory for Innovations in Medical Education (LIME)

Elective Mentors:  Tim Young, Deena Bengiamin, Liz Fierro

Elective Location:  LIME (Laboratory for Innovations in Medical Education), Del Webb Library

Elective Duration:  2 or 4 weeks 

Elective Description:  

LIME@LLU (the Laboratory for Innovations in Medical Education at Loma Linda University) is a design thinking-based laboratory and creative makerspace for physical and digital medical education projects. LIME views creation as a driver for learning. It connects faculty, students, residents and fellows to form working groups that aim to solve medical education problems in innovative ways. 

LIME hosts a medical student elective for 2 weeks each October and December. The October 2024 elective will be with 10 first year medical students and will focus on using 3D printing to create technical skills trainers. The December LIME medical student elective is with 10 second year medical students and focuses on teaching the basics of bedside procedures. 

We host 4 medical students in the summer (roughly mid July to late August) who are between their first and second year of medical school. Each of these students creates an individual project and we also work on at least one group project. The group project for 2024 may include a community day for local high schoolers. 

You can do an elective in LIME at any time of the year in which you can join a working group or start your own project, but the above times will have a special focus and opportunities for mentorship of students that might be interesting to you. Talk with Tim for specifics.

LIME publications

Non-Peer Reviewed Website and Journal Articles

Posters and Published Abstracts


Other Presentations

Electronic Teaching Materials