Book of Resolutions

May 9, 2019

Members voted to change the name of the organization from RAPSU to Lifelong Learners-Portland State University (LL-PSU), and to also remove the age requirement.

May 7, 2015

The Board decided that new members who join RAPSU in April or later will have their membership applied to the following year. Renewals paid late will only be valid until August of that year.

April 4, 2009

The Publicity Committee will be reinstated.

October 2, 2008

The Publicity Committee has been rendered inactive.

January 10, 2008

The Member Outreach chair shall send letters of appreciation to program presenters instead of the secretary, as is prescribed in the current RAPSU Bylaws.

October 4, 2007

The name of the Personal-touch Committee was changed to Member Outreach.

September 12, 2007

A RAPSU Board Committee named the Webmaster Committee is authorized by the Board.


A. The Webmaster Chairperson and committee shall maintain the RAPSU Website.

B. The Webmaster Chairperson and committee shall maintain email correspondence addressed to RAPSU.

C. The Webmaster Chairperson and committee shall email the RAPSU newsletter to the RAPSU membership and specifically to those requesting to receive the newsletter by email only.

D. The Webmaster Chairperson and committee shall maintain the RAPSU Blog at the discretion of the Board.

E. The Webmaster Chairperson and committee shall assist in other duties as the President may delegate.

This committee shall be considered for inclusion the next time the Constitution and Bylaws are amended.

January 4, 2007

The RAPSU membership list will be available to members who request it at a nominal charge of $3.

February 2, 2006

Emergency notification plan to replace the Telephone Tree:

The Membership Chair will distribute an updated membership roster to Board members twice yearly. The list will be broken down into one or two pages per Board member, each of whom will then notify their assigned members.