About Us

The Creation of LL-PSU

Over 20 years ago Portland State University decided to provide tuition free auditing to offer access to most of PSU's now 5,000 classes to Oregon seniors 65 and older. The Institute on Aging set up the Senior Adult Learning Center, called SALC, to administrate this.

In the early 1990s a group of SALC auditors with the assistance of SALC’s Program Director got together to add another dimension to their auditing experience. In March 1992 they adopted the Constitution & Bylaws of an organization which they called the Retired Associates of Portland State University (RAPSU), now known as Lifelong Learners PSU (LL-PSU).

LL-PSU’s mission is to bring together adults in a university setting where they may share opportunities for intellectual, social, and personal growth. The SALC Program Director is an ex officio member of the Board, acting as coordinator. The current Director is Dr. Alan DeLaTorre.

LL-PSU Board

The Board consists of the officers of the Association and the Committee Chairs. The officers are: President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. The LL-PSU committees are Membership, Newsletter, Program, Hospitality, Member Outreach, Social and Webmaster. The website, the emails from the webmaster and our listings on the PSU Events Calendar have made the Historian and the Publicity Committee redundant.

Currently LL-PSU has programs at PSU in September through November and January through May. In December there is a holiday luncheon and in June a spring luncheon. There is a social gathering for half an hour before most programs. The LL-PSU Newsletter and the website give the dates and venues of the programs.