Officer and Committee Position Details


The Board consists of the Officers and the Committee Chairs. Below is a description of the duties of the Officer and Committee Chairs.

The Board meets monthly in the Urban Center Building. Members are invited to attend the Board meetings as guests.


President - The President presides at the board meetings and general meetings and appoints ad hoc committees as needed.

President Elect: Office Vacant - The President-elect automatically becomes President when the President has served a full term. The President-elect acts as President when the President is absent and keeps the Constitution and Bylaws current and available.

Secretary - The Secretary takes brief minutes at board and membership business meetings; sends necessary communications, and maintains a Book of Resolutions containing the rules, regulations, and policies adopted by the Association and Board.

Treasurer - The Treasurer receives and deposits the dues; pays the operating expenses as incurred; periodically reviews the status of members' dues; strives to maintain paid-up registrations; cooperates with the Membership Chairperson in maintaining a current membership roster; and makes monthly reports of the Association's finances to the Board.

Immediate Past President - The Immediate Past President is a consultant to other officers.

SALC Coordinator - The Senior Adult Learning Center Coordinator (SALC Advisor to LL-PSU).


LL-PSU has a number of committees to help it function. The Board would be pleased to have members consider volunteering for any of the following committees.

Membership - Recruits new members and maintains current membership records.

Program - Plans and carries on the programs.

Newsletter editor - Edits the monthly newsletter.

Member Outreach - Keeps the membership informed of the welfare of members, sends cards and makes telephone calls as appropriate.

Social - Plans special luncheons.

Webmaster - Manages the LL-PSU website and email correspondence.