Grade 9 Global Connections PBL – Social Development Goals – Good Health

Topic 1: Introduction and vocabulary

Students will become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the unit. They will collaborate to discover new terms and research their meanings. We will also discuss their importance in global issues.

Topic 2: Science – Nutritional Facts

Students will be shown examples of nutritional labels on common food. They will see them in English and also some Chinese versions. Students will be asked to make a poster to highlight the difference between food which are healthy and unhealthy. Students will research both kinds of food and present these in a poster. It should be detailed with nutritional information and pictures. The posters will be displayed and will promote good nutrition in the school.

Topic 3: Geography

Students will work in groups to do research about school lunches from around the world. They will choose four countries to talk about their lunches. They will present the grains, meats, vegetables, soups, etc. They will present this to the class. Finally, they will discuss the similarities and differences with school lunches around the world.

Topic 4: Final Project

Students will focus their final PPT project on nutrition. In a group they will choose one country or region. They will research the staple foods in the country and choose one popular dish. Students will research the nutritional facts of the dish. They will think of a way to rework the dish in a way that makes it more healthy. They will also explain how this topic is related to the SDG goals. There will be a discussion on healthy food and how the SDGs can impact global health.

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