CI lab projects 

Offline DIY City sensors

How to design City offline sensors? So that privacy is preserved and that people are able to share some properties of the city are shared? The project is called "Vera in the city". The draft of the project is available on github  and 

City art and city education

We are open to suggest educational and art courses around the topic of the city.Example of the course on openstreetmaps (still in progress):  

City and citizen science

We are currently working together with several partners and friends on analysis of citizen science data from around the globe. If you are happy, join us, fork repository
And explore the open data from iNaturalist and citizen science platforms like SciArt

Researchers mobility

Project on Researchers mobility with Openhumans and CRI:

Have a look at related publications 

The webpage of participative project 

Bicycle network analysis

Freedom of choice between bicycling, walking or car-sharing is far more appealing than owning and maintaing a car,  therefore just developing broader possibilities for green cities.  Therefore we analyse and develop methods for bike-sharing systems. Photo source: A.Flerov