Research projects and news

 NetSci 2024 presentations

In June 2024 the network community gathered again, this time in Canada, two presentations in NetSciSci, NetSciEd and main conference with some hybrid.

Conference on foundations of computer science

This summer many conferences are happening, some online, some on computer science and AI, some on mathematics centres (international and regional).

Higher arity workshop

In May 2024 we are happy to organise the conference on  hypergraphs (website). Topics include: tensor algebra, rewriting systems, topology and universal algebra, to investigate multiple aspects of generalized higher-order algebra. 

Conference Uncertainty in AI

Happy to spread the news about upcoming conference in Barcelona, Uncertainty in AI (2024), 40th edition, open reviews for this conference are already online and more information about the event can be found here.

Interdisciplinary collaborations

In March 2024 we did Silbersalz Institute presentations (Germany/UK crossover labs collaboration) on exploring the interactive, impactful communication of scientific work in explainable AI.

Teaching and mentoring

Teaching and lecturing

Lecture at the University of Amsterdam for the students of collective futures course

Lectures with Lecturers without borders in Asia and beyond. Join us for collective mentoring and exchange.

CUDAN lab conference

Presentation at the CUDAN lab conference: talk on the recent work on embedding methods (recent arxiv).
The recorded talks are presented at the youtube of CUDAN.

Events in Winter 2023/2024

Streaming of our keynote discussions is on LPI youtube channel.  Workshop, 16-17 January 2024 in LPI, on "Ethics of Large Language Models: can AI learn virtue from humans, and vice versa?"

New special issues

Special issues on data analysis practices:
website for call for papers

Events in October 2023

Final event of Anthropolis Chair in Paris on September 14th, 2023. Conference in October 2023 in Paris. 

New course on data science, network science and AI

Data science and network science course we gave in Fall  2023 

Presentation in NetSci conference 2023

I am invite to speak at the NetSci satellite on cities

SDG summer school

Giving lectures in Learning planet institute in 2023 

Conferences in 2023

Several events I am participating / will be presenting:
Citizen science conference , Settlements conference MENA forum,
Cognitive science workshop

Seminars and recordings 

We continue network seminar in 2023. More on the network seminar you will find here 

Projects and papers 

Continuation of the collaboration with Paul Bouman, Besancon University 

Complex System conference in Max Planck 

I gave a talk at Complex System conference in Dresden in 2022 

City related events

Paris city meeting as part of Open data  days and data volunteering 

Falling Walls event for UYSE

International year of science
Happy to be part of the board of the IYSE from 2022.

RandNet project 2022

Open problems workshop with European RandNet project for preparation of workshop in August 2022 

ISCPIF complex networks conference, Paris

This year the conference was hybrid in ISCPIF with topics on science of complex systems, economics, social networks.

Conference CCS 2022

Thanks to WWCS team in 2022 submitted paper abstract to Complex Systems Conference CCS2022

WWCS workshop of complex systems 2022

WWCS conference past, many interesting projects, which were presented. Workshop was organised in hybrid version, some projects are already open on github of WWCS 

Teaching in 2022

New course on teaching big data with ID lab in CRI (LPI) France was organised in January 2022, some projects are already online Some project examples are here 

Artex new talk in October 2021

In October 2021 invited seminar on collective motion and invisible patterns of complex systems with nature examples

Learning planet festival coming in 2022

As part of facilitation o transition around education there will be several presentations and  workshops in January 2022 at cri 

Citizen science data work presentation

As part of data voluteering program during weekends the piece of work together with UCL, iNaturalist, correlaid was finalised 
Next questions to answer: How can we make our cities more green and full of  nature using citizen science observations?

Life and death of scientific fields

New arxiv submission at 

New arxiv submission

New preprint on arxiv on perturbation spreading in collaboration with Namur, Utrecht Univerisities, CRI, BL and collaboration started in WWCS2019 

Open mobility discussions

Want to participate in open discussions on mobility from Open Mobility foundation? Join with the link 

GSI  conference

Accepted paper to GSI2021 together with the researcher from INRIA (collaborative work with Bell labs)

Citizen science conference May 2021

Accepted abstract with our group from Correlaid, CRI, UCL on citizen science project about iNaturalist

Sunbelt conference

Sunbelt and network science event 

online and offline event in 2021 

Join satellite program! (to be announced soon)

New journal edition

Was invited for editorial work  


New project RandNet dedicated to random graphs 

Teaching Big Data course 2020

Trajectories analysis project with R.Kusters with various open data

Open events and schools

Schools online fully in 2021 with various locations 

Teaching Big Data course 2020

We are teaching (online and offline) course on Big data, network science and visualisation. Some materials are available online here 

New 2021 events

New conferences in 2021 coming, open and online  

New paper published: challenges in AI era

Frontiers in data science 

Happy that I am now Review Editor

in Interdisciplinary Physics 

New materials on heterogeneous spreading

Exhibits in Fiminico

Visit of the exhibit from  VR project Atlas of at the City Interaction lab workshop 

Network seminar with Massimo Stella

Sign in to google group to receive information about regular network seminars.  Coming seminar on  5.11.20 

Online conferences on city

Current big conference and World Science forum Falling walls 2020 in Berlin with many open events around city 

Network seminar online edition

New seminar series open this year with M.Starnini, M.Stella, E.Omodei and many others.

CI lab

Presentation of analysis of city interaction lab, analysis of city data (citizen science project with Correlaid) and other things at 

Bell labs podcast

New episodes on ML from Bell labs in USA 

Network seminar series

Join for network seminar series organised by M.Santolini (CRI), L. Tupikina (Bell labs) at site

Future cities competition

Look at the proposal from Botnar foundation 

Neo-Urban-Networks workshop

We are happy to present you city interaction online workshop on 27th November. Registration open at  

Collaboration with Synapse sciart

Sciart initiative organises open bridges between scientists and artists. We participated in the latest meeting of it this August

Falling walls lab

Apply now for the conference which is held in Paris as CRI and win trip to Berlin Falling walls conference 

New article on arxiv and Sci.Reports

Article on arxiv on transport in networks 

Paris City Sense lab 

We are happy to announce the openning of online-offline Paris Satellite of City Sense Lab.  More can be learned here.

Project on city mapping

How to build a map of a city which embeds not just official information, but also the information about alternative places and other activities in the city. Learn more at projects

City and urbanistics

Getting inspired after contemporary urbanologists course we are working on the project on urban design 

New article on arxiv

Article on arxiv on Heterogeneous continuous time random walks inspired by #diffusion in heterogeneous media 

Environmental project

Colleagues of mine are working on exciting project on  rubbish consumption and emotions around rubbish 

New project

We are happy to announce the new project, "Vera in the city". This is online-offline project which aims to collect the  realistic feedback about life in the city. More info to come.

All things urban

Happy to spread the news about the colleagues project 

Museums online

Now everyone can visit museums online. One of them runs a neural network equipped mirror, check it out 

City discovering

New round of applications open to journal of cities and urban ism in Plos One 

3D printing

Colleagues of ours from Motionlab Berlin are creating incredible printers which can create 3D models from all types of materials, check it out  

Application to ISCPIF

Apply for ISCPIF where we made Fete de la Science last year. More information at  

CorrelAid Paris meetings

Please subscribe or contact us on our website if you would like to join (Paris) local chapter

Lecturers without borders podcasts

Visit our new podcasts on science and communication  and join meetup SciComm without borders group

New posts published

Please check the post together with Datopian which we created during the times of COVID 

Network seminar on 7th July 2020

New network seminar coming on 9th July 2020 by Petter Holme. More details soon.

Networks and the city

How to study networks of cities and their evolution in time. Current project with collaborators from Rotterdam and Becanson 

Time-series research

Save your data from fitbit to  Check the link below #open #data 

Network seminar

Subscribe to our network seminar by Luca Aiello Bell labs CRI 

New lectures

My new lectures on random walks and biology applications, slides are available 

Paper on continuous limits of random walks

We are finishing the manuscript of continuous limits of random walks and Ito-Stratonovich dilemma

Datopian blog

Data walking seminar 

Bell labs Cambridge and Urban beers organise interesting seminar recorded at  

Every day science communication seminar

With Lecturers without borders every day new science communication lecture is organised  and   


Have a look at the new blog from Datopian on data on COVID 

AI and art for good

Our work at digital exhibition AI for Good summit. Know more website of summit and here

Datathon MIT

One of the biggest Datathon I have been ever taking place as a mentor 

Collective intelligence reading club

Collective intelligence presentation  with

The link to the presentation is here

Games for understanding social networks

Network game was recorded at CRI in 2018 by me and M.arc 

Biorxiv datasets

Have a look at the biorxiv dataset, work from Chakresh  in 

Codalab challenge

Codalab challenge  on studying and modeling Diffusion processes . To participate in it you can go to 

Constant hackathon

Participate in global hackathon on JOGL Just one Giant lab:  

Projects with CRI, Jogl and other initiatives

Successful projects applications and webinars on virology organised by colleagues 


Open access books from springer and open access blog from Jon Tennant. In memory of a friend and collaborator Jon:

COVID19 situation in the world

Currently there are many various initiatives data for social around the globe who try to make sense out of data on COVID. Have a look at , on github and Kaggle

Lecture  on population dynamics

New lecture for students from master level at CRI on population dynamics and epidemics spreading  

Data governance workshop

In March 2020 I participate in the workshop in UK on data governance in Royal Society of London   

Network seminar

New series of network seminar at CRI 

seminar on epidemics and hospital network more on 

Recent seminar

My recent talk at LINCS laboratory in Paris, France  

New lectures

New lectures in  Kenya by colleagues from Portugal open science hub and from Argentina : more details in LeWiBo website

 Open data day

Due to the outbreak of the virus we were not able to organise opendata with a big group. Here is the website with all locations of open data days around the globe 

Open data

News from Open Knowledge foundation and recent new projects on open data collection from Datopian on Have a look!

Data stories

Project submitted to data stories (CEU and network projects) with M.Santolini and M.Saburova  

How much people travel?

And how much it affects their lives? The exhibition soon in Berlin (by A.Lobanova)

Digitalisation of cities

Project with Claire Lagesse and Paul Bouman from WWCS (more details coming soon)

Analysis of patients data

Ongoing project with Olivier Mirat and CorrelAid France on analysis  of patients data 

Booklet on Art and Science

Presention at Art and Science workshop in ISCPIF, Paris together with colleagues from CRI we are preparing booklet (to be online soon)

Openstreetmap data analysis

We analyse openstreetmap data related to schools and other amenities, more information here 

How much do researchers travel?

Together with B.Torozkai, M.Santolini and V.Estrada we collect the information about how much researchers are traveling. Take a minute to answer!

Open position and internships

Apply to internships in Bell labs Saclay France, where you can work on machine learning methods, causality. Contact me 

WWCS complex systems school

I participate in the winter school on complex systems in Switzerland 

Big data course

Together with M.Santolini at CRI we made big data course 

Paper on Learning analytics

Paper with M.Santolini and S. Poquet on learning analytics networks 

Platform for analysis of mobility

I participate in analysis and  discussions of the project Move in Saclay 

Recent projects

CorrelAid and JOGL hackathon projects on open data: events on 3 rd and 29th of October, Paris 

Seminars and lectures

Events on art and science in ISCPIF and CRI 

Recent presentations

I participated in the conference Falling Walls in Berlin 2019 as a finalist of Falling Walls Engage. My talk and presentations are  here

Internships available

Recent projects

Work on random walks analysis on networks. For current publications and more here

Data collection project

New events

CorrelAid and JOGL hackathon on data 

Seminars and lectures

Events on art and science in ISCPIF and CRI 

New posts

Research projects posts in Pubpub see here 

Seminars and lectures

Some recent projects and meetings we co-organise: 

more information in Fete de la Science, ISCPIF

Ongoing projects

Research projects in France and collaborators around the world 

More  information here

Seminars and lectures

Some of my work at maths gallery 

seminars for basic network theory, more info here

CorrelAid-Paris meetings 2019

We are starting data analysis group CorrelAid Paris with  researchers in Paris.  First meeting on 18 September.  

If you are interested write to me liubov.tupikina at 

Lectures with LeWiBo 2019

We are organising lectures with projects and educational initiatives around the world. Please visit our website for more details 

Talk at CorrelAid

Event in CorrelAid Berlin, Germany on 2nd August 2019 

Slides is available in github

Some recent papers

Check our recent papers published in Nature and Journal of Applied Networks

Current projects

Project on applications of random walk dynamics to analysis of mobility and scientifi discovery with code available in github

Hands-on workshop and teaching

Check  course on network science with some slides available. New course in digital track at CRI, more information is at

Talk on connecting people for social good

Open Network seminar at CRI

Charring talk of Charles Baroud (Pasteur, X) with @msantolini and @luyibov @criparis 

Some new recent lectures are uploaded in 

Ongoing projects at CRI and beyond: 

The main question is to understand the delays propagating in the network and to analyse perturbations as dynamical system.

This project is based on the model described in our recent articles: 

L.Tupikina, D.Grebenkov “Temporal and structural heterogeneities in networks” arxiv, accept.Applied network Journ. (2019)

D.Grebenkov, L. Tupikina “Heterogeneous continuous time random walk”, link to Physical Rev. E Journal  E 97, 012148 (2018)

The research questions are description of the continuous limits of CTRW (random walk in continuous time on networks), Ito-Stratonovich dilemma  

Modelling and understanding the trajectories of scientific fields.

The research question is how the epidemics spreading is changed if the underlying network and the model have heterogeneity: either encoded in the heterogeneity of network topology of epidemics spreading.  Our previous article on this model is:

P.Holme, L.Tupikina “Epidemics extinction in networks: insights from 12110 smallest graphs” NJP (2018), arxiv  1802.08849 (2018)

We are also collecting the code for this on github.

This is related to the research project in order to explore the researchers mobility in order to provide better opportunities for researchers to connect to local projects.


(publication rev. in progress, to appear soon)

Main idea is use the untapped opportunity for researchers, who travel to link to local projects

In January 2019 we organised the webinar on spectral methods in Complex Systems (CSSM 2019) together with Francesco Caravelli. The link to the videos is provided here: webinar

Presentations with our students and colleagues at CRI:  

Accepted and submitted articles: 

Open access from 

Open access from 

Other papers on  page

Some of my past projects:

The project is dedicated to data analysis methods to understand and model climate dynamics, big data questions.

coevolutionary pathways and intradisciplinary approaches between physics, sociology and Earth science

The project is dedicated to studying intracellular dynamics, random motion, stochastic dynamics.

The Lecturers without borders brings scientists around the world to schools and organises lectures in the remote areas (co-founder).

More information here:

The articles published after the project are listed in google-scholar. 

If you are interested, contact me liubov.tupikina (at)

Interrelation between topology and dynamics on it

General questions, I have been working on in 2018-2019:

Random tree generator, 2019

Random tree generator, 2019

Network games at CRI, 2018

Network games at CRI, 2018

Random tree in nature, 2016

Ego-networks project (every day network of connections), 2019

CRI Research laboratory, 2019

Network exhibition, Palais de Tokyo, 2018