Part-Day Preschool ages 2.5+

New in 2024! 

Part Day Preschool is for aged 2.5 and up. In the 4 hours your children will spend with us, they will learn age appropriate skills such as pre -writing fine motor control, gross motor control (large movements, balance, etc), enhance their understanding of the physical world through science, nature and exploration and gain socio - emotional learning and skills. 

We will foster independence with all children, please ensure your child has clothing that is easy for them to take off and put back on independently based on their development level. 

Hours: 7:45 am - 12:15pm

Drop off between 745-8am outside; 

Inside at 8 am to undress. 

Class starts at 8:05. 

Snack served at 9:30; break 9:30-9:45am to eat

9:45-9:50am get ready for outside.

Outside Break from 9:50-10:20am

10:20-10:25 undress to return to class

Class runs from 10:30 until 11:55am.

Class ends at 11:55; prepare to go home; pick up between 12-12:15 pm outside.

Bring weather appropriate clothing daily. Drop off and Pick up is outdoors.

Space is limited; we will only be enrolling maximum 8 children in this program.  

Part time Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR Tuesday and Thursday available. Full time is the ideal option to ensure your child receives the most from this program as they may miss things doing part days. Parent handbook is available under contact and forms. 

Registration inquires: Email with the message line "Part Day Preschool Program" 

COMING SUMMER 2024 ! School prep Preschool Program - part time program offering school preparation for preschoolers heading to pre-primary or primary, they will be set with the tools to help them succeed!