Volunteer /AGM

School Council Parent Positions and Duties (other council positions are assigned to staff or elected students)

Chair / Co-Chair

-arranges for meetings, prepares agendas, and chairs meetings o provides a common focal point for all emails sent to the school council

-ensures that meeting minutes are recorded and kept in a safe place for a minimum of four years

-participate as ex-officio member on council committees

-communicates with the school principal on behalf of council

-maintains the constitution and ensure a regular review by the council

- communicates with the school community on a regular basis and ensure that parents/guardians of all students are consulted on matters under consideration

-facilitates the resolution of conflicts

-consults with senior board staff and trustees as required

- prepares an annual report and ensure the treasurer prepares financial statements to be submitted to the principal for distribution to the school community and the OCDSB

Secretary / Co-Secretary

-transcribes electronically the minutes of the meetings Treasurer o monitors funds of the school council, to include donations, deposits and withdrawals from the LCI school council accounts.

-liaises with LCI administrative accountant to ensure school council decisions about consensus spending are passed and reimbursements are made


-updates the school council web site, uploads minutes, updates the web sites home page after each school council meeting to indicate the next meeting and the highlights of the previous meeting

-advises on new uses for the web site and from time to time adds particular information to advertise specific events

Social Media

-updates the LSC social media sites after each school council meeting, indicates the next meeting and the highlights of the previous meeting

-advises on new uses for the web site and from time to time adds particular information to advertise specific events

Volunteer Coordinator

-coordinates volunteers for activities such as Doors Open, Teachers Appreciation Lunch & Commencement

OCASC Representative

-attends OCASC meetings and reports back to the school council

Zone 10 Liaison

-attends Zone 10 meetings and reports back to the school council

SSC (Secondary Schools Committee) Representative

-attends SSC meetings and reports back to the school council

SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) Representative -attends SEAC meetings and reports back to the school council

Member at Large

-participates in meetings and can represent LSC at events if requested o called upon to eVote when decision can’t wait for next school council meeting