Collective Wisdom

Collective Wisdom

Lisgar School Council members traditionally spend significant time preparing delegations and submissions to the school board, or making presentations to help other parents. Some recent efforts are presented here, along with helpful information of a timeless nature.

Parents Helping Parents

Secondary School Course Guide:

Interesting Presentations

Flipping the Classroom:

Do you want to know what Flipping the classroom is? Here is the presentation given to the school council on May 6th, 2014 by Prof. Richard Nimijean, School of Canadian Studies / Assistant Dean / Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences / Carleton University. It was insightful and interesting.

Specialized Programs Criteria Sheet Update:

The report No. 15-015 from Special Education Advisory Committee (January 21, 2015) entitled: Specialized Programs Criteria Sheet Update was discussed at the Lisgar School Council meeting on Tuesday April 7, 2015 (information on minutes).

The International Certificate Program:

There is an interesting opportunity for students at Lisgar: The International Certificate Program ICP, Ms. Kathy Scheepers, International Education Coordinator presented an overview of the ICP to the school council on October 7th, 2014. If you like to know more about this program visit the International Certificate OCSB Web site.

Secondary School-Beyond High School:

Helping senior students prepare for all pathways! OCASC presentation May 2015