School Council Members


Phillip Rennison


Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organizations that employ his experience in governance, finance or policy roles. This year is his eighth on the LSC executive, often holding more than one role when the need exists. He has held similar roles in other school boards, and also is a longstanding volunteer with the Air Cadet League of Canada. He likes motorcycles and airplanes, especially when his wife and daughters are in close formation along with.

Zhong An



Phillip Rennison


Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organizations that employ his experience in governance,finance or policy roles. This year is his eighth on the LSC executive, often holding more than one role when the need exists. He has held similar roles in other school boards, and also is a longstanding volunteer with the Air Cadet League of Canada. He likes motorcycles and airplanes, especially when his wife and daughters are in close formation along with.

Donna Yau


Donna brings the resilience of over twenty years in a court registry and an active volunteer in two school boards, an elementary and secondary program. With a degree in literature and arts, and a few websites under her belt, she looks forward to shaping the LSC cloud space and is eager to work collaboratively with her fellow council members.

Philip Rennison

Social Media Co-ordiantor

Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organiza5ons that employ his experience in governance, finance or policy roles. This year is his seventh on the LSC executive, often holding more than one role when the need exists. He has held similar roles in other school boards, and also is a longstanding volunteer with the Air Cadet League of Canada. He likes motorcycles and airplanes, especially when his wife and daughters are in close formation along with.

Sonja Arias

Volunteer Coordinator

Sonja’s background is in international management. She has been working in higher education for 20 years, most recently at uOttawa’s Telfer School of Management. She has been involved in school councils since her children started pre-school. She has a daughter in grade 12 and a son in grade 9. Sonja enjoys biking and photography, and volunteers at a local animal rescue organization.



Diana Mills


Diana is the current Chair of the Parent Involvement CommiSee(PIC), an advisory commiSee to the OSawa-Carleton District School Board. She has been a school volunteer in the classroom during her child's elementary years, and has been a representative on parent council as well. Diana is a member of the Canadian Psychological Association and has experience in Diversity of workplaces, Education, and enjoys spending time on worthy causes close to her heart. In her spare 5me, she enjoys touring amusement parks and performance arts.

Islam Hajras


Islam is a mother of four children: a son in grade 9, two daughters in grades 6 and 5, and a son in the grade 1. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with 12+ years of experience in hospital and school nursing, providing quality care to a wide variety of patients. She possesses a Bachelor qualification in nursing and is earning an international infection control certification in this field. Islam has many certificates in volunteering activities related to the medical field. She is excited to be part of the parental community to be close to her kids’ education and share some new ideas from her past experience.

Naduni Kurukulasooriya / Natalie Bossé
Teacher Reps

Maida Hajradinovic

Student Council Co-President

Angela Jin

Student Council Co-President

Sami Ghozlani
Student Senator

Timothy Clark / Matthew Stephenson
Lisgar Alumni Reps 

Zone 10 Rep

Members at Large: Asghar Aghdam, Jacqueline Oussoren, Dani Brajshovi, Islam Ahmed, Jan Top Christensen, Julie Wilson, Ivan Poltavets, Marta Reyes, Kieu Phung, Sathya Karunananthan, Marie-Josee Tremblay


Phillip Rennison


Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organiza5ons that employ his experience in governance, finance or policy roles. This year is his seventh on the LSC execu5ve, often holding more than one role when the need exists. He has held similar roles in other school boards, and also is a longstanding volunteer with the Air Cadet League of Canada. He likes motorcycles and airplanes, especially when his wife and daughters are in close formation along with.

Sheila Honoré

Secretary/OCASC Rep

Sheila is the mother of a grade 10 student. She works as an executive in the Federal Public Service with experience in policy development, regulatory affairs, and the management of national programs. Sheila has a particular interest in learning processes and the promotion of a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates each child’s uniqueness and creativity. She looks forward to supporting the Parent Council as we navigate the school year together.

Phillip Rennison


Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organizations that employ his experience in governance,finance or policy roles. This year is his seventh on the LSC executive, often holding more than one role when the need exists. He has held similar roles in other school boards, and also is a longstanding volunteer with the Air Cadet League of Canada. He likes motorcycles and airplanes, especially when his wife and daughters are in close formation along with.

Donna Yau


Donna brings the resilience of over twenty years in a court registry and is a school volunteer for an elementary, and now a secondary school. With a degree in literature and arts, and a few websites under her belt, she looks forward to shaping new cloud space with her new co-webmistress and is eager to work collaboratively with her fellow council members.

Dagiijanchiv Jamts

Social Media Co-ordiantor

Dagii is a newcomer to Canada and proud of her daughter studying grade 10 at Lisgar Collegiate Ins5tute. She has a master's degree in e-business technology. Dagii is happy to learn about the Canadian educational culture and be part of the parental community. She is willing to share her knowledge and experience. 

Sonja Arias

Volunteer Coordinator

Sonja’s background is in international management. She has been working in higher education for 20 years, most recently at uOttawa’s Telfer School of Management. She has been involved in school councils since her children started pre-school. She has a daughter in grade 12 and a son in grade 9. Sonja enjoys biking and photography, and volunteers at a local animal rescue organization.

Milana Karaganis


Milana is an execu5ve at the Government of Canada with significant experience in managing programs and leading implementation of major changes in GC-wide programs. She truly believes in the importance of education for our children and has been engaged in supporting school communities ever since her son started in JK (he is now in grade 11). In her spare time, she enjoys spending 5me with her family; using every opportunity to travel especially going on family road trips; and continuously learning new facts and theories about our Universe.

Diana Mills


Diana is the current Chair of the Parent Involvement CommiSee(PIC), an advisory commiSee to the OSawa-Carleton District School Board. She has been a school volunteer in the classroom during her child's elementary years, and has been a representative on parent council as well. Diana is a member of the Canadian Psychological Association and has experience in Diversity of workplaces, Education, and enjoys spending time on worthy causes close to her heart. In her spare 5me, she enjoys touring amusement parks and performance arts.

Islam Hajras

SEAC / Zone 10 Rep/ Committee Liaison

Islam is a mother of four children: a son in grade 9, two daughters in grades 6 and 5, and a son in the grade 1. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with 12+ years of experience in hospital and school nursing, providing quality care to a wide variety of patients. She possesses a Bachelor qualification in nursing and is earning an international infection control certification in this field. Islam has many certificates in volunteering activities related to the medical field. She is excited to be part of the parental community to be close to her kids’ education and share some new ideas from her past experience.

Sandhya Rao

Member at Large

Marta Reyes 

Member at Large

Michelle Cohen

Member at Large

Naduni Kurukulasooriya
Teacher Rep

Isla Rennison

Student Council Co-President

Zane Balkissoon

Student Council Co-President

Emily Yuen
Student Senator


Lucie Bohac


Lucie is a passionate and results driven professional with a career of leading organizations in the field of international development and youth. Lucie now heads a consulting practice providing services related to organizational development and innovation, leadership and management; strategy and policy development; communications and advocacy; partnership development and programming. A coach, avid gardener and runner, she has been involved in school councils for the past 13 years. She has two sons, one in grade 12 and another who graduated from Lisgar in 2019. 

Annie Baylor


Annie Baylor is a mother of two children: a daughter in 7th grade and son in 9th grade. She is a francophone who loves to cook and enjoys good wine. She has a well-established career of 17 at the University of Ottawa specifically in graduate studies. She is currently the administrator for the graduate programs at the Telfer School of Management. Annie has been involved for the past 15 years in school councils and board of directors. It might be obvious, but education is her passion.

Phillip Rennison


Phillip is a serving military member interested in supporting various community organizations employing his expertise in governance or policy roles. He is a past co-Chair to LSC and has held similar roles in other school boards. He likes airplanes, especially when his teenage daughters are the ones piloting them.

Sandhya Rao


Sandhya is an electrical engineer/security/network engineer and project manager having worked internationally and nationally in the high-tech sector most of her career and more recently in the financial and defense sectors - currently in the healthcare sector.  Her two Lisgar teens are in Gr 11 and in first year uni.  She’s happy to help where she can with this exceptionally talented and dedicated team of staff and parents at Lisgar.

Mei-Lin Chow


I love being outdoors, enjoy cycling, recreational tennis, eating, and travelling with my husband and daughter.

I am excited to be part of the parent council because I want to remain engaged in the school community and also in my daughter's education. 

Julie Leclair

Volunteer Coordinator

Julie is the Director of Travelling Exhibitions at Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation.  She is passionate about encouraging Canadians, and people from around the world, to learn about STEM and its impact on our everyday lives. Julie’s passion for Canadian history, her pride of being a science geek and her love of travel has come together into the perfect job.  Julie is also a board member of the ICOM International Committee on Exhibition Exchange.  In her spare time Julie enjoys spending time with her husband and son (grade 9), doing anything outdoors, travelling and perhaps binge watching a show or two.

Milana Karaganis


I am an executive at the Government of Canada with a significant experience in managing programs and leading implementation of major changes in GC-wide programs. I truly believe in importance of education for our children and have been engaged in supporting school communities ever since my son started in JK (he is now in grade 9). In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family; using every opportunity to travel especially going on family road trips; and continuously learning new facts and theories about our Universe.

Donna Yau


Donna brings the resilience and fortitude of over twenty years of experience in a court registry.  She is school volunteer for an elementary, and now a secondary school.  Educated in literature and arts, and with a few websites designed, she looks forward to exploring new cloud space and collaborating with her fellow council members.

Marcela Bragagnolo

Social Media Coordinator

Marcela is the proud mother of two students, one is in Grade 9 and the other has graduated from Lisgar in June of 2020. She was born in Argentina, and after a professional ballet career and graduating in digital media and emerging technologies, she teaches part time ballet at the American Ballet Theatre in New York and work for several creative agencies as interactive designer and animator. She is passionate about education and looking forward to provide support to students and teachers during the challenges of virtual learning and communication.

Zone 10 Respresentative

Christina Campbell

Sonia Arias

Member at Large

Sonja’s background is in international management. She has been working in higher education for 20 years. She enjoys biking and photography, and volunteers at a local animal rescue organization. She has a daughter in grade 11 and a son in grade 8.

Clara Costello and Kimberly Liang

Student Co-Presidents

Past Positions


School Council Parent Executive


 2019/2020 positions are held by:

School Council Parent Executive









Tasks & Responsibilities

Chair / Co-Chair




Regularly validates the links, evaluates site content for quality and applicability.  Updates the content and look to promote accessibility, uploads and posts approved minutes on a scheduled basis. Confirms and posts the next meeting date and location, verifies and posts the highlights of the previous meeting, curates the content in response to changes, scans the environment and advises council on new uses or web resources, promotes events that align with the LSC mandate.

Member at large


Volunteer coordinator 

When needed

OCASC representative

Zone 9 & 10 liaison

Goes to the Zone 9  & Zone 10 meetings and reports back to the school council

SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) representative

Goes to the SEAC meetings and reports back to the school council 

SSC (Secondary Schools Committee) representative  

Goes to the SSC meetings and reports back to the school council