Academic year 2023-24
12 April 2024
Re. Lisgar School Council
Hello Lisgar Families!
Our regular monthly meeting will take place in the school library Tuesday April 16th at 7pm, with the option to join virtually at:
Our guest presentation on the upcoming Aviation & Aerospace Specialist High School Major (SHSM) will be from the teacher Mr Robert Tang. Mr Tang is a 2021 Recipient of
the The Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence in STEM. You can read about one of the interesting projects Mr Tang has worked on in the past here. More details
about SHSMs are available here.
Above our regular agenda items, we will be talking about the CHEO YouthNet Wellness 101 program as part of Parent Reaching Out Grant that was approved for Lisgar
Collegiate by the School Board. More details about the CHEO Wellness Program can be found here. We will also be discussing a number of recent funding requests from the
across a variety of programs.
Phillip Rennison
LSC Chair 2023/24
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