4. Human Reproduction

  1. Core Content


Revision of the schematic outline of the human life cycle to show the role of meiosis, mitosis and fertilisation

Structure of the male reproductive system

Structure of the male reproductive system, using a diagram

Functions of the testis, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate gland, Cowper's gland and the urethra

Structure of the female reproductive system

Structure of the female reproductive system, using a diagram

Functions of the ovary, Fallopian tubes, uterus lined by endometrium, cervix, vagina with its external opening and the vulva

Structure of the ovary, using a diagram, showing the primary follicles, the Graafian follicle and the corpus luteum


Main changes that occur in male characteristics during puberty under the influence of testosterone

Main changes that occur in female characteristics during puberty under the influence of oestrogen


Formation of gametes (gametogenesis) by meiosis

• Male gametes formed by spermatogenesis

• Female gametes formed by oogenesis


• Under the influence of testosterone

• diploid cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes undergo meiosis

• to form haploid sperm cells

Structure of a sperm, using a diagram

Functions of the parts of a sperm cell (acrosome, head with haploid nucleus, middle portion/neck with mitochondria and a tail)


• Under the influence of FSH

• diploid cells in the ovary undergo mitosis

• to form numerous follicles.

• One cell inside a follicle enlarges and undergoes meiosis.

• Of the four cells that are produced, only one survives to form a mature, haploid ovum.

Structure of an ovum, using a diagram

Functions of the different parts of an ovum (layer of jelly, haploid nucleus, cytoplasm)

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle includes the uterine and ovarian cycles

Events in the ovarian cycle:

• Development of the Graafian follicle

• Ovulation

• Formation of the corpus luteum

Events in the uterine cycle:

• Changes that take place in the thickness of the endometrium

• Menstruation

Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle (ovarian and uterine cycles) with reference to the action of FSH, oestrogen, LH and progesterone

Negative feedback mechanism involving FSH and progesterone in controlling the production of ova

Fertilisation and development of zygote to blastocyst

Definition of copulation and fertilisation

Process of fertilisation

Development of zygote embryo (morula and blastula/blastocyst) foetus

Implantation, gestation and the role of the placenta

Definition of implantation

The role of oestrogen and progesterone in maintaining pregnancy

Structure of the developing foetus in the uterus, using a diagram

Functions of the following parts:

• Chorion and chorionic villi

• Amnion, amniotic cavity and amniotic fluid

• Umbilical cord (including umbilical artery and umbilical vein)

• Placenta


Human Reproduction notes

1.1 one pager Male Reproductive System.pdf

Male Reproductive organs - Summary

2.1 one Pager female reproduction draft 4.pdf

Female Reproductive organs - Summary


Reproduction Revision - Exam Practice Booklet

Human Reproduction learner pack MSED_2020.pdf

Reproduction Learner Pack 2020

3. Relevant video resources


Tubal Ligation surgery

Natural Birth

Birth Control Pills

In Virto Fertilisation


Sperm Count & semen analysis


4. Revision resources

Grade 12 Life Sciences lesson 3 week 5.docx
MNED RESOURCES - Human reproduction (Structure of male and female reproductive systems, Puberty, gametogenesis)
Grade 12 Life Sciences lesson 3 week 6 and 7 (1).docx
MNED RESOURCES - Human reproduction (Menstrual cycle, fertilisation and development of zygote to blastocyst, Implantation, gestation and the role of the placenta)

5. Informal Assessments